Lawyer filed habeas corpus for family to return home: “It’s unconstitutional”


José Luis España, a lawyer who filed a habeas corpus so that his family could return to Argentina, assured that the decision of the national government to restrict entry to only 600 passengers per day in the country as part of the coronavirus pandemic and new Delta strain this is “unconstitutional“and that” it’s crazy to take care of people “

This was stated with María Laura Santillán in CNN Radio. Previously, the chief of staff of the province of Buenos Aires, Carlos bianco, had declared to have taken the measures “because the people who return do not respect the isolation.

In this context, the lawyer recounted the personal situation of his family: “My daughter and my wife have been absent since June 8, they were authorized to travel, their return date was July 2 from the United States and they have been rescheduled for August 14 provisionally. There are those who moved them until September itself “.

Por eso, presented un habeas corpus advirtiendo que es inconstitucional restringir la libre circulación: “Entiendo que es una decisión arbitraria del Gobierno. No es constitucional. La restricción sólo puede hacerse por una ley del Congreso para demorar el ingreso al paí os 2 months”.

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Likewise, he assured that his family can afford the expenses but that many cannot: “Why do they have to be abroad for 45 days? There are desperate people abroad with no resources to support themselves“.

“The Supreme Court of Justice says that the pandemic and the health emergency is not a blank check for the government to do what it wants. The administrative decision should be declared unconstitutional,” he added.

And he concluded: “There is an inability of the state to control those who return.

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