455 years after the death of Nostradamus: his most incredible predictions and how he anticipated his own end


Michel de Nostradamus was a doctor, alchemist, astrologer and would go down in history for his famous prophecies.
Michel de Nostradamus was a doctor, alchemist, astrologer and would go down in history for his famous prophecies.

In 1546, the Black Death that killed millions of Europeans also took his wife and two children, a boy and a girl. Then Michael installed in Provence, in the region where he was born on December 14, 1503. By then, in Avignon had studied arts and humanities and at the University of Montpellier he trained as a doctor. When he remarried, and was already a mature person, he saw some kind of inspiration about the events that were about to happen and it occurred to him to put them on paper. And he hid them.

Michel or Miguel de Nostre-Dame or Nostradamus was without a doubt a special person and had a gift in which his grandparents, connoisseurs of mathematics, astronomy and astrology, would have had a lot to do with this hidden science to predict the future.

He said his prophecies were obtained during those long hours when he remained locked in his study at night, where he cherished his books, his medicines and his plans. For him, these messages came from the cosmos because everything that happened on earth was linked to the movements of the stars. And these predictions, precisely, had been communicated by God through the planets then known.

Since it was extremely risky to speak openly about these messages which revealed facts and events that had not yet taken place, he wrote them down in cryptic and enigmatic language, often leading to more than one interpretation. This is how the Centuries were born, and he was prompted to publish them in Lyon in 1555 when he thought they might be useful. The success was such that, in successive editions, more predictions were added. There are a total of 6338 of them which, as they are written in elliptical language, it is possible to give them more than one meaning.

Who hasn’t delved into these glimpses of the future, written in quatrains, to see what would happen in 2021, after last year’s pandemic?

Nostradamus researchers note that he anticipated the coronavirus pandemic.
Nostradamus researchers note that he anticipated the coronavirus pandemic.

Some believe they see the coronavirus pandemic in the following prediction: “The great plague of the maritime city will cease only when the death of the just blood, condemned at a price without crime, of the great lady outraged by the simulation will be avenged.” While the city of Wuhan, where it is believed that it all started is not maritime, it is the market where the famous bat soup was served, which is among the list of culprits in the spread of the disease.

For this year he predicted that “In the sky, you see fire and a long trail of sparks”, which led to speculation about unusual cosmic activity and some even risked that it was a comet hitting the earth or passing too close. We still have six months to verify it.

And in the quatrain “Few young people: half dead to begin with / Fathers and mothers dead of infinite pain / Women in mourning, the monstrous pestilential: / The Great will no longer be, the whole world will end”, ventured to the appearance of zombies following the spread of a virus.

The Book of Prophecies was first published in 1555;  then he sent new editions, in which he added predictions.
The Book of Prophecies was first published in 1555; then he sent new editions, in which he added predictions.

If Americans were in anguish about the outcome of the last election, they would have known that Donald trump I would lose the elections reading Nostradamus: “A great king would lose his crown …”

But why is so much credit given to Nostradamus?

When he published his Prophecies, he attracted the attention of powerful and influential people. The first to protect him was Henry II, King of France. And Nostradamus was right when he predicted his death in a duel: “The young lion will surpass the old one, / In a warlike field by a singular duel, / In a golden cage he will pierce his eyes, / Two shocks one after having cruel death . “The monarch would die, after days of agony, from a piece of a spear sticking into his eye and sticking out of his ear.

When the French wrote “an emperor He will be born near Italy, / That the Empire will be sold very dear, / We will say with which people he associates. / That we will find him less a prince than a butcher “, would have referred to the birth of Napoleon Bonaparte. Other quatrains would provide precise information about his reign.

On June 20, 1791, the king Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette escaped from Paris in disguise, although they would be imprisoned in Varennes. Over 200 years ago Nostradamus describes this event: “At night he will come through the forest of Queens / Two twisted parts Herne the white stone, / The black monk in gray in Varennes / Course chosen, because of the storm, the fire, the blood, the cut”.

Nostradamus in his study, where he spent hours, especially at night.  (Photo: Twitter @ RucksDelBo)
Nostradamus in his study, where he spent hours, especially at night. (Photo: Twitter @ RucksDelBo)

Since the fire of London in 1666, the first and second world wars, passing by the attack on the Twin Towers, in his prophecies are interpreted indications which would prove that the French astrologer and doctor knew what he was writing. For others, his assertions leave the door open to more than one interpretation.

While he was already famous, King Charles IX made him his court advisor and doctor. Nostradamus died on July 2, 1566, a victim of gout and arthritis. He was 62 years old.

On his grave is engraved the inscription: “Here lie the mortal remains of the most illustrious Michel Nostradamus, the only man worthy, in the opinion of all mortals, to write with an almost divine pen, under the influence of the stars, the future of the world.”

He had anticipated what his own death would be like. “Nothing else will do. / I will go to meet God. / Close relatives, friends, blood brothers completely dead near the bed and the bank ” and that’s how he died. Likewise, when in 1700 the transfer of his remains was organized, the coffin was opened and a plaque was found on which was engraved the number 1700. common to mortals, remains a mystery.


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