New respiratory virus gains strength in US as COVID-19 measures relax



Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is gaining momentum in the United States as people relax and take fewer precautions as coronavirus cases drop in the country.

Health authorities and pediatricians said they were signing up an unusually high number of RSV cases, which are usually more common in the fall and winter (The United States is currently in summer). RSV and influenza infections declined sharply during the coronavirus pandemic, authorities say, likely due to social distancing, use of masks and hygiene measures which has become customary since March of last year.

“The things we’ve done to protect ourselves from COVID are also great at keeping us from getting the flu and RSV.”, He said Chulie ulloa, a pediatric infectious disease specialist and assistant professor at UC Irvine School of Medicine, according to The Wall Street Journal. “How relaxing everything is, we’re probably going to see a rebound in some of these common infections that we normally see outside of a pandemic“, He added.

RSV is a virus easily transmitted that infects the respiratory tract. It’s so common that almost all children are infected before the age of two, according to health authorities. Adults can also catch and spread it, and it is possible to get infected more than once. It spreads through droplets from coughs, sneezes, and surfaces, según The Wall Street Journal.


For the most part, infection can lead to cold, although it can also cause a serious illness in infants, young children and the elderly, especially those with pre-existing health issues. It is the most common cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in babies under one year of age in the United States., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Health authorities have reported that RSV cases are on the rise, especially in the southern states of the North American country. June 10, CDC has alerted healthcare providers and caregivers to rising infections and urged them to test for RSV. They asked people working in the health and childcare sector to avoid going to work if you are sickeven though the COVID-19 tests are negative.

Children’s health, a Dallas-based hospital system, noticed the increase in RSV cases in May and confirmed 279 infections in the first 21 days of June, having seen very little during the fall and winter, according to information from the Wall Street Journal.

REUTERS / Lindsey Wasson
REUTERS / Lindsey Wasson

Each year, VRS causes approximately 58,000 hospitalizations and between 100 and 500 deaths in children under five, as good as 177,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths among adults over 65, According to the CDC.

Symptoms in infants and young children may include irritability, lack of energy or decreased appetite, as well as cough, fever or wheezing.

Most children and adults get better after a week or two. There are no vaccines yet, and there are only a few specific treatments other than supportive care, such as pain relievers and fluids. In more severe cases, supplemental oxygen may be necessary.


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