They found two more bodies in the rubble of the Miami collapse: the number of confirmed deaths rose to 20


Rescue workers conduct search and rescue operations near Miami Beach, Fla. (REUTERS / Joe Skipper)
Rescue workers conduct search and rescue operations near Miami Beach, Fla. (REUTERS / Joe Skipper)

Two other bodies were removed from the rubble the partially collapsed building in Surfside (Miami-Dade), among them that of the 7-year-old daughter of a firefighter from the city of Miami, and with them the death toll rose to 20, the authorities confirmed on Friday.

The Mayor of Miami-Dade, Daniella Levine Cava, updated the figures for the search and rescue operation, which entered its ninth day this Friday.

To date there is 20 dead, 188 found alive, a figure higher than that which existed before, due to the strict verification which is constantly carried out, and 120 missing.

The mayor referred to the top “human cost“Who is having the operation among the first responders and asked everyone to keep them in their thoughts and prayers.

TV channel Local 10 I had planned this morning that a rescuer had found the body of his own daughter in the rubble of the partially collapsed building on Thursday evening, which authorities have now confirmed.

General view of the works in the South building of the Champlain Towers (EFE / Cristóbal Herrera)
General view of the works in the South building of the Champlain Towers (EFE / Cristóbal Herrera)

The media got the information from another member of the work teams, who asked not to be identified.

According to this source, when the girl’s body was found, other rescuers brought her down from the mountain of rubble and the deceased’s father covered her with his jacket and placed a small American flag on it.

This Thursday, the search for victims resumed after a 15-hour hiatus, due to fear of collapse in the remaining part of the southern Champlain towers building, 40 years old and 136 apartments, 55 of which collapsed.

Levine Cava indicated that engineers assess the impact of the demolition of the part of the building still standing, but it can “take weeks”, And stressed that rescuers are ready to begin to expand the search area for possible victims.

Added to the building’s instability is the possible arrival of Hurricane Elsa in South Florida early next week..

Levine Cava urged residents of Miami-Dade to anticipate a possible impact, as they do for the site of the June 24 landslide.

(With information from EFE)


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Miami authorities have announced that rescuers have resumed the search: they are analyzing the demolition of the rest of the building

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