The story of a young woman born with two uteri – Diversity


Paige DeAngelo has a condition known as uterine didelph O uterus didelphys, an abnormality where the cavity of the uterus is divided in half by a septum.

These types of conditions are rare and their incidence in fertile women ranges from 0.1% to 3.5%.

In Paige’s case, the young woman said she discovered it during her first visit to a gynecologist, at the age of 18. During a routine check-up, the doctor advised her to call her mother to hear the news and there they told her what it was.

I always had very irregular periods, but it was actually two intermittent cycles. Sometimes it was once a month and other times twice a month, just a few weeks apart. It was always a bet on when I was going to have it, and it was throughout high school, ”explained the young woman on her social networks.

People think they are two separate vaginas on the outside, but they are not, that’s why I didn’t know for 18 years. Each side is half the size of a normal vagina. This is not a problem, but it shows clearly, ”he described.

She also said that with this disease, she had “two reproductive systems” which may involve risk in pregnancy and may suffer from premature births or spontaneous abortions.

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Paige studies at Drexel University in Philadelphia and although she should be careful planning a family, she said she has found a lot of support in the international communities of women on Facebook who have uterine didelphs. like her.

“It’s disheartening, but I’m a person who always sees a glass half full; and the fact that there are people out there who could have children is what keeps me going, ”he said.

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Other known cases

In 2019, Arifa Sultana, a 20-year-old woman from Bangladesh, gave birth to a boy in late February and twins 26 days later.

Her first baby and the other two were conceived and raised in separate wombs. An ultrasound had never been done so they hadn’t detected all the babies.

Mélanie Basset, who became a mother for the first time in 2016, it was around this time that she discovered that she had two uteri. Already in 2020, she conceived three children in her two wombs, on the one hand a pair of twins and on the other a single baby.


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