Cargo plane makes emergency landing in water off the coast of Hawaii | He suffered complications in the engine


A cargo plane Boeing with two crew members on board made an emergency landing this Friday in the ocean off Honolulu, located at Hawaii, United States, after pilots reported engine problems.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that the two pilots, who were brought to safety by local rescue teams, engine complications recorded during the flight and when they tried to return to Honolulu “they were forced to land the plane in the water”.

The FAA in turn clarified that it is flight 810 of the transport company Rhodes Express and that the emergency landing took place around 2:30 a.m. local time on Friday.

According to the American television channel CNBC, these cargo planes are generally decades old and are intended for this type of transport after having been used for years to carry passengers.

Last May, the Boeing company reached a deal with the FAA for which it had to pay a fine of at least $ 17 million and promised to make “corrections” in its production after the two crashes of its planes. which killed 346 people in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

The FAA found that the sensors included in the equipment installed in 759 Boeing 737 MAX and NG were not approved for such equipment.

Last January, the US government announced a new $ 5.4 million fine against the Boeing company for providing false information about the wings of the 737 aircraft that were involved in the two fatal crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

These two fines are in addition to another $ 3.9 million that the US government proposed to apply to Boeing in December 2020 for the same issue with the wings of the 737 model.

Following two crashes in just five months in Indonesia and Ethiopia, 737 Max planes were forced to remain on the ground in March 2019 in most parts of the world.


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