CJNG hung the body with a narco-message on the Lagos de Moreno bridge, Jalisco


All the horror that Mexico has known was concentrated in a street in the state of Jalisco (central-western Mexico). The commune Moreno Lakes got up with a hanged body and an allegedly narcomensaje of Jalisco new generation cartel: “It happens to them with locusts,” we read.

The scene has become common in the Mexican underworld to spread threats and messages. At Zacatecas, on June 19, three bodies were found on a bridge, the result of a war between the sides of the Sinaloa Cartel Yes CJNG.

Moreno Lakes, located in the region of Altos del Norte and bordering with Aguascalientes, has experienced recurring episodes of violence. For a decade, in the town, where large companies in the automotive industry operate, the narcos settling of scores and clashes have started to be known.

The victim had a message allegedly from the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel
The victim had a message allegedly from the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel

The place, according to intelligence reports, belonged to The Zetas, but it was violently taken from him by the Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) cartel, which maintains its base of operations in the state of Jalisco.

The Altos de Jalisco region is one of the areas with the highest crime rate in the state, where it is common to find clandestine graves. Last year in the municipality they were found 14 lifeless bodies, which were covered with lime. Some of them were found with visible signs of torture.

Faced with this great drug brand, the CJNG suffered the loss of 18 of its hired killers, in Zacatecas. At least that is how the authorities identified the victims.

Bodies suspended in Zacatecas (Photo: Special)
Bodies suspended in Zacatecas (Photo: Special)

Mexico has become an unstable territory, a victim of organized crime. It is not for nothing that the month of May ended with more than 3,000 murders.

the entities States which accumulated the greatest number of these crimes were Guanajuato with 282, Baja California 276, Chihuahua 237, State of Mexico 231 and Michoacán 223.

However, when comparing the number of intentional homicides during the first five months of the year 2021 with the same period but of 2020, the incidence of crime decreased by 2.9 percent.

The feminicides throughout Mexico presented a 25.6% increase: they registered 98 cases in May, while in April 78 were reported.

Regarding this type of crime, the State with the highest number of cases was Jalisco, with 13. Then the State of Mexico with 12, Chiapas with nine, Sonora with seven, and Guanajuato and Nuevo León, respectively, six.

Of From January to May 2021, 423 femicide victims were reported, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System. It means a 7% increase compared to the same five months last year.

14,243 malicious homicides were recorded in Mexico from January to May 2021, which represents a decrease of 2.9% compared to the same period in 2020, reported, Rosa icela rodriguez, Secretary for Security and Citizen Protection, during the morning press conference.


Black scale of violence in Mexico: 239 massacres in first five months of 2021

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