Miami landslide: Rescuers recovered two more bodies, death toll rose to 24


Rescue work continues on the collapsed building
Rescue work continues on the collapsed building

The bodies of two other people were found in the rubble of the collapsed South Florida condominium on Saturday, bringing the number of confirmed deaths to 24, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine said. It’s okay.

The search for the dead among the rubble of the collapsed building in Miami-Dade County (Florida, USA) continues this Saturday, for the tenth day in a row, amidst the anguish of families.

With the two bodies found today, the provisional number of missing remains at 124.

Yesterday, it was learned that on Thursday evening, rescuers recovered the body of Stella Cattarossi, the 7-year-old daughter of a Miami firefighter who was helping those involved in the rescue efforts. According to the Local 10 television channel, when the body of the 7-year-old girl was discovered, other rescuers brought her down from the mountain of rubble and the deceased’s father covered her with his jacket and placed a small flag of the United States on it.

The official Enrique Arango He has been a member of the Miami Fire Team for 10 years, and although he was not assigned any rescue duties, he remained in the area the entire time. in the hope of saving his little girl. But that did not happen. In the last hour of Thursday, they found the girl lifeless, as they continue to try to find the mother of the little girl – who has American nationality – the grandparents, Graciela Ponce de León (of Uruguayan nationality) and Guido Cattarossi, and the younger’s aunt, Andrea Cattarossi, both Argentines.

“I can tell you that he was the one who brought it down from the rubble.”, Margarita Castro, a member of the Miami-Dade search and rescue team and firefighter, described the excruciating moment in which firefighter Arango – her partner – rescued her daughter’s body from the rubble. “They were all there with him. It’s a very difficult time, as you can imagine. She is a 7 year old girl. All of us, his team and ours, were there when he took his daughter down, ”rescuer Castro continued, describing the terrible scene.

There are still 124 missing under the rubble
There are still 124 missing under the rubble

As specified Miami Herald, the father of the girl awake since the night of the tower collapse in the South Florida condo. He worked alongside his colleagues and supported them unceasingly since that day in the work of debris removal. According to media reports, after the discovery, around 200 people present carrying out rescue tasks accompanied the father during the pain.


The exhausted rescue teams, working in 12-hour shifts, will continue the difficult and risky search for people under the rubble, provided certain conditions of safety for their lives are met.

Rescuers, working around the clock, use heavy machinery and technological equipment, sniffer dogs and an underground sonar system to be able to detect victims under the huge concrete slabs stacked on top of each other.

Miami-Dade Deputy Fire Chief Raide Jadallah said search and rescue teams had not heard any human voices or sounds in the rubble since the morning of the June 24 collapse. That day, after the building partially collapsed, rescuers heard the screams of a woman calling for help under the rubble and tried to comfort and reach her, but it was impossible. and a short time later they stopped hearing it.

Among the dead are two other minors, two girls aged 4 and 11 and the list of the missing includes many Latin Americans from countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Paraguay, l ‘Uruguay and Venezuela.

With information from EFE


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