Vaccination from 40 to 49 years in CDMX: these are the places and days for the residents of Benito Juárez, Venustiano Carranza and GAM


Inoculation will begin on July 6.  (Photo: Reuters)
Inoculation will begin on July 6. (Photo: Reuters)

In the midst of the vaccination campaign, which continues in the country, Eduardo Clark Garcia, The digital government director general of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation (ADIP), has revealed which days and places to start vaccination for people aged 40 and over.

In this case, citizens who live in the municipalities of Benito Juárez, Venustiano Carranza and Gustavo A. Madero.

The vaccine to be used will be Oxford AstraZeneca and will benefit approximately 342,562 adults from 40 to 49 years old of age.

The procedure for applying the first dose will begin on Tuesday July 6 to 10 of the same month.

Special places will be ready to apply the dose.  (Photo: EFE)
Special places will be ready to apply the dose. (Photo: EFE)

Citizens must surrender on the corresponding date based on the first letter of their paternal surname.

Here is the vaccination schedule

* Tuesday July 6: A, B, C

* Wednesday July 7: D, E, F, G

* Thursday July 8: H, I, J, K, L, M

* Friday July 9: N, Ñ, O, P, Q, R

* Saturday July 10: S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z and offsets

Agree with Clark garcia the places which will be intended to carry out the inoculation in these demarcations are:

* Benito Juárez

-Pepsi Center / World Trade Center

* Venustiano Carranza

-Sports Palace

* Gustavo A. Madero

-Sports city Carmen Serdán

-CDMX Arena

The second dose will also be applied to citizens aged 50 and over.  (Photo: EFE)
The second dose will also be applied to citizens aged 50 and over. (Photo: EFE)


At the same time, the director of ADIP announced that from next Tuesday they would also apply the second dose to adults of 50 to 59 years old.

In view of this, residents who live within the boundaries of: Gustavo A. Madero, Cuajimalpa, Milpa Alta, Magdalena Contreras and Iztapalapa should be prepared.

If you want to benefit from the 419,099 adults of 50 and more in these mayors. In this age group, they will use two vaccines which are:

*Sputnik -V (Gustavo A. Madero and Iztapalapa)

*AstraZeneca (Cuajimalpa, Milpa Alta, Magdalena Contreras)

Since these people have already received their first dose, they will have a vaccination unit with the day and time of their appointment. According to Clark García, citizens will start receiving an SMS from today.

The vaccination process will also begin on Tuesday July 6 and will be governed by the same calendar over 40s.

The locations for the second dose are:


– Cultural Center Jaime Torres Bodet

-National School Number 9

* Iztapalapa

-Center of scientific and technological studies.


-Faculty of Higher Studies Zaragoza of the UNAM.

-Military housing unit

* Cuajimalpa

-Field of Mars

* Milpa Alta

-Villa Sport Milpa Alta

* Madeleine Contreras

-CU University Olympic Stadium

The inhabitants of the boundaries must check the day and time that correspond to them.  (Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)
The inhabitants of the boundaries must check the day and time that correspond to them. (Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)

In order to speed up the process, Oliva López asked citizens to enter the platform for my vaccine. Here and upload your file.

How to prepare for the vaccine?

* You must first register on the site: or call Locatel to register and download the file.

* Identify the seat (location), day and time when it is time to leave.

* Bring the corresponding documents.

* On arrival, the nation’s servers will request documentation, to verify eligibility.

Adults must present the necessary documents at the time of their appointment.

What are the papers?

* Unique Registry Code (CURP).

* Official identification.

*Birth certificate.

* Proof of registration obtained through the Internet platform at:, as it will help provide better, agile and comfortable care.

It was also recommended to arrive on the scene well hydrated, to wear face masks, as well as comfortable clothes and also to anticipate any weather eventuality, since the waiting areas will be located outside.


CDMX vaccine 30 to 39 years old: which are the seat of the 5 municipalities for the first dose
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