Timeline of horror in Tenerife: research has been suspended and fear grows that Tomás Gimeno will not reappear


Trying to deal with a pain that will never go away, Beatriz Zimmermann I wanted them to find the body of Thomas gimeno so as not to doubt that he is alive. However, this will not be possible: Justice allowed in the last hours stopping sweeping at sea.

“Tomás Gimeno thought of escaping, but when he saw the Civil Guard he committed suicide “said Joaquín Amills, spokesperson for the mother of 6-year-old Olivia; and Anna, just 1. Both were allegedly murdered by their father, who took them away April 27 and he never came back, as he had agreed with Zimmerman. He would have murdered his two daughters to take revenge on his ex-partner and mother of the children. The case caused a deep shock in Spain.

The miners’ father was last seen in the Navy of Santa Cruz de Tenerife load your boat with various bags and was able to set sail up to twice, although He’s never been seen with the girls.

The judge The head of the Court of Violence against Women No. 2 in Tenerife, in charge of the case, has decided to suspend the search after receiving a report from the head of operations of the oceanographic vessel “Ángeles Alvariño”, which had carried out the sweep. The researchers described it as a “completely inaccessible” exploration in the area where new findings could hypothetically be found.

For the past month, the ship has been tracking the areas where Olivia’s body was found, on June 11, and the area where Gimeno’s cell phone signal was lost in hopes of locating Anna’s body and his alleged murderer.

37-year-old Gimeno’s theory of suicide finds support in oxygen cylinders found in the sea. Its consumption can cause dizziness that prevents the body from responding to the sinking asphyxiation. A lead belt was also searched, which may have been used by the man to sink, but could not be found.

July 3 – They order the stay of the search: how the trial continues

As the sweeps are interrupted, the chances of Gimeno never spawning again increase. According to the Spanish Civil Code, for the man to be declared dead, two years must elapse in the event of imminent risk of death due to violence, or in the event of shipwrecks or dives at sea.

Gimeno has an international arrest warrant for the murder, currently, of his daughter Olivia, whose body was found at sea on June 11. For this crime to be prescribed, 20 years would have to elapse, always in the case where the sentence for the accused is 15 years or more.

According to the investigation carried out by the Spanish authorities, after committing the crime, the murderer went to his parents to leave the dog, some credit cards and his bank codes, and he did it with the corpses of the two girls in the trunk of the car.

the personnel dedicated to mopping up the sea of Tenerife found two oxygen cylinders that belonged to Thomas gimeno.

the oceanographic vessel Ángeles Alvariño allowed to locate these objects, which reinforces the theory of suicide paid by researchers: According to experts, the bottles are used for have oxygen for about three minutes and its consumption can cause dizziness that prevents the body from responding to suffocation shipwreck.

The mystery remains as to a weight belt that he would have been used by the “Monster of Tenerife” to sink into the sea and end his life.

The vessel “Ángeles Alvariño”, in charge of sweeping tasks. (Photo: DPA)

“I wish that The death of Anna and Olivia did not been in vain ”. Beatriz Zimmermann, mother of two daughters murdered by her father in Tenerife, published an open letter the day after the tragic details of the homicide became known.

“Although now we feel the greatest hatred, the greatest despair and the greatest pain, it is not to bring more suffering to the world, otherZimmermann assured in his text. “They will be dead in their bodies, but their souls are with us all forever, help to have more awareness, love and respect for us. The vast majority of people are incredible beings, they showed it in this cruel act with compassion and pain, ”he added.

Gimeno was never reported for gender-based violence, but Beatriz knew that he had hired a private detective to follow her in July 2020. Zimmermann was dating a 60-year-old businessman who was assaulted by Gimeno for considering him too old to raise his daughters.

The Spanish research program Al Rojo Vivo announced that the filicide kidnapping was not a push and that he was planning from the first day after separation. The warning went unnoticed in its surroundings.

“I got the idea that if something went wrong with the custody issue after Beatriz broke up, he would separate them from their mother “, they revealed.

The magistrate in charge of the case affecting Spain has confirmed the suspicions surrounding the case from the start: Thomas gimeno put in place a plan for murder his daughters in order to make suffer Beatriz zimmerman, his ex-partner and mother of the girls.

“He killed them in a planned and premeditated way to provoke inhuman pain to her ex-spouse, the greatest suffering she could have ever imagined, “said the magistrate.

According to statements published by The world Yes ABC, Gimeno “Deliberately sought to leave in uncertainty” to the woman, to whom he told he was going to live in a distant place and promised that he would never see Olivia and Anna again. Until the last moment, Zimmerman hoped to find the little girls alive and subscribed to the theory that this was all a dramatization of the man.

According to the judge, Gimeno’s plan was “atrocious” and the decision to murder his daughters and throw their bodies into the sea was for “Increase anxiety” of Zimmerman, because it is a difficult place to access.

In addition, the magistrate highlighted the last messages that the man sent to his ex before the double offense. “I can’t allow them to grow up without me. Finally, I will be fine and as I want. The girls will do well with me because I have enough money to live on, ”he revealed.

Gimeno is still missing along with his daughters, Olivia and Anna. (Photo: Facebook)

The research vessel “Ángeles Alvariño”, in charge of the search, found the body of 6-year-old Olivia. According to sources from the investigation, two bags were found: in one was the lifeless body of the eldest of the little sisters, while the other was empty.

Detectives believe man threw his daughters into the sea tied to his boat anchor, which appeared to be drifting and empty a day after the abduction.

The operation at sea had intensified after the discovery of certain personal effects of the man and a child restraint used by Anna.

On June 12, the preliminary results of the autopsy of Olivia’s body were released: he died of acute pulmonary edema.

April 27 – The Disappearance

Gimeno took the girls and made a pact with his mother, Beatriz zimmerman, return them to 21. Never returned.

The man was last seen in the marina in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, when he loaded his boat with several bags and set sail. The scene was recorded by security cameras, although there was no visual recording of the girls: it is believed that he had already killed them and hid their bodies in some of those bags.

The next day, Gimeno’s boat was found empty, adrift and without anchor in front of the Puertito de Güímar, in Tenerife, facing West Africa. There, the search operations began.

After nine days of unsuccessful sweeping, Interpol issued a so-called “yellow notice” for Olivia and Anna. The largest international police organization often uses this procedure to help locate missing persons, mostly minors, or to help identify people who cannot reveal their identity on their own.


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