“This is the world they leave us”: the strong message from Greta Thunberg after the Pemex fire in the Gulf of Mexico


The young woman pointed out that the authorities were bragging about their efficiency by continuing to create hydrocarbon-based projects (Photo: @gretathunberg / screenshot)
The young woman pointed out that the authorities were bragging about their efficiency by continuing to create hydrocarbon-based projects (Photo: @gretathunberg / screenshot)

Activist Greta Thunberg issued a harsh criticism after the fire reported last Friday in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, caused by a valve rupture in the subsea line near the Ku-Charly platform which is owned by the integral production asset Ku Maloob Zaap of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), located in the seas of the state of Campeche.

“During, the people in power are called “climate leaders”, while they are opening up oil fields, pipelines and coal-fired power stations … ”the environmental activist said via her Twitter account.

Likewise, the young woman stressed that the authorities boasted of their efficiency by continuing to create hydrocarbon-based projects.

“… the granting of new petroleum licenses to explore future petroleum drilling sites. This is the world they leave us”Said Greta.

Before that, Internet users were quick to react, some of them even attacked the current president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Greta sharply criticized those responsible for the fire in the Gulf of Mexico (Photo: Pierre Albouy / Reuters)
Greta sharply criticized those responsible for the fire in the Gulf of Mexico (Photo: Pierre Albouy / Reuters)

Andrés Manuel, President of Mexico @lopezobrador_ is furthest from what I would call “climate leaders” This is NOT a failure of capitalism but rather a failure of the state as the operator and responsible for this fire is the crown corporation, ”@GMonroyEnergy wrote.

For his part, the environmentalist journalist Brian Kahn also said he was stunned by the gravity of the incident on Mexican territory.

“The ocean is on fire” is one of those things you can write and it’s true and yet it doesn’t sound believable. […]I know it may sound controversial, but maybe extracting fossil fuels from the seabed (or anywhere else) is a bad idea.“, He expressed.

The fire started because a valve burst in the underwater line, which caused the oil to sink from the bottom of the evil and when it merged with oxygen, fire was generated at the surface.

According to the authorities, the incident was fought by three boats to avoid direct risks to the platform. It was also reported that expert accident control divers would descend to repair and close the valves located at a depth of 78 meters. In the meantime, no injuries have been reported.

The Regional Center for Attention to Emergencies (CRAE) of Petróleos Mexicanos activated the emergency plan to determine the risk posed by the incident and to control the fire. In addition, They check what were the causes that generated the fire. The ships Isla Arboledas and Arbol Grande, among others, are working to extinguish the flames using water curtains.

Agency statement on fire in the Campeche Sea (Photo: PEMEX)
Agency statement on fire in the Campeche Sea (Photo: PEMEX)

According to the agency Reuters the fire has already been brought under control, thanks to the fact that “the Pemex team used nitrogen to control the pipeline fire, using to transport oil and gas. A ship that arrived later in the morning was attempting to close a valve in the pipeline. “

Integral production assets Ku Maloob Zapp It is the largest oil production field in Mexican territory, produced per day about 95,000 barrels and is located 150 kilometers from Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche.

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, nearly 12 hours after the accident, Petróleos Mexicanos reported in a press release that he was successful in controlling gas and fire emissions in the submarine pipeline near the KU-C satellite platform in the Strait of Campeche, attached to the production sub-directorate of the North-East marine region.

The incident was taken care of immediately when security protocols were activated and with the accompaniment of nearby firefighting vessels such as Santa Cruz Island, Campeche Bay and the Bourbon Alienor. In addition, the pipeline interconnection valves were closed, extinguishing the fire and the gas emanation, leaving the contingency ended around 10:45 am. and restore normal operating conditions, ”said the Mexican Parapublic Company.


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