The photograph that sparked the Maduro regime’s fury against Javier Tarazona, the activist arrested and accused of terrorism and incitement to hatred


Javier Tarazona, with the photo he brought to the prosecutor's office to demand that the relationship with the guerrillas be investigated
Javier Tarazona, with the photo he brought to the prosecutor’s office to demand that the relationship with the guerrillas be investigated

On June 30, 2021, Professor Javier Tarazona, Director General of the NGO FundaRedes, went to the Attorney General’s office to request an investigation “The relationship of senior officials who wielded power in Venezuela, both military and civilian”, with senior guerrilla commanders. His complaint has angered the top government of Venezuela, where there are a large number of leaders of the Bolivarian revolution with personal, economic and sentimental treatment with irregular groups. A day later, Tarazona and two NGO activists were arrested by the intelligence service (SEBIN)Yesterday they were brought before an anti-terrorism court which charged them with “inciting hatred, terrorism and treason” and sent them to the old prison in La Planta.

Intelligence agencies have been supporting a case against the Fundaredes coordinator for months. They followed him, recorded him, watched the members of the organization and the relatives of Tarazona; They did not find anything, because he acted in public, he even went a few days ago to the public prosecutor’s office in San Cristóbal to inquire about the complaints lodged and which they claimed to be dealing with, he said. visited Fundaredes’ office daily and frequently made coffee in various bakeries. The complaint against one of the most powerful men in the shadow of Chavismo sparked fury and they ordered his arrest, which they did with his brother and two activists.

Javier Tarazona’s relatives, friends and human rights defenders demand their freedom

While thousands of people in Venezuela and abroad have expressed uncertainty and demanded to know the fate of the detainees, government officials, including the prosecutor’s office, have remained silent. Hours later, a webpage that the Venezuelan regime uses to position opinion matrices in the Chavismo, and to which it awarded the National Journalism Award in 2016, published that “the apprehension of the Colombian uribista propagandist of right, Javier Tarazona, that he acts in Venezuela through the parastatal entity Fundaredes, it was the consequence of a criminal investigation carried out by the 94th public prosecutor’s office, with national jurisdiction, for the crime of incitement to hatred.

The publication adds: “Tarazona, who lives in Táchira, had spent the last few months in Norte de Santander. But Wednesday, after the announcement of the visit to Bogotá by the director of the CIA, William Burns, he returned to Venezuelan territory, which alerted the local intelligence services. “

This twisted version of the media LaTabla seeks, as it does with everything the regime sees as enemies, to tie the human rights defender to payments from North American intelligence agencies, to former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe Vélez and to other managers.s. The media lie because it is well known, public and communicative that Tarazona has held meetings almost daily in San Cristóbal, capital of Táchira, with various organizations. “He stopped going to Colombia because for a long time the border can only be crossed by tracks, which are controlled by the ELN, imagine the danger that represents. It’s not true, he was there all the time, ”a member of FundaRedes Táchira told Infobae.

A true activist

José Javier Tarazona Sánchez is an outstanding professor at universities in Venezuela, Chile and Colombia, with postgraduate and doctoral degrees. In 17 days, on July 21, he will surely celebrate 39 years behind the bars of the prison of La Planta, where he was sent by the third competent control court in matters of terrorism, under the leadership of Judge Luisa René Garrido Traspalacios . Tarazona, who lives with his mother, is not currently married, although he was in the past with Edixa Rico, the mother of Tarazona’s teenage son.

She pointed out that Tarazona suffers from high blood pressure, heart and gastrointestinal problems, and asked that they let her pass her medication. “What Javier is doing is not a crime. The only thing he has done is stand up for human rights, work for one country and the entire state of Táchira, ”Rico said.

Why has this complaint become above all sensitive? Because it was a direct complaint against one of the most powerful men in the Bolivarian revolution, the silent captain Ramón Emilio Rodríguez Chacín, former Minister of the Interior and former Governor of the State of Guárico.

In the photo, the guerrilla leaders of the National Liberation Army (ELN) are seated around a table, chaired by Rodríguez Chacín and next to him, Carola: Nicolás Rodríguez Bautista alias Gabino, who until there a few days was the highest leader and member of the central command of the ELN (COCE-ELN); Eliécer Herlinto Chamorro Acosta alias Antonio García, who is today the highest leader of the guerrilla organization; and Israel Ramírez Pineda alias Pablo Beltrán, member of the central command of the ELN.

In the detail of the photo that sparked the regime's anger, the Rodríguez spouses are seen with three senior ELN commanders
In the detail of the photo that sparked the regime’s anger, the Rodríguez spouses are seen with three senior ELN commanders

The arrest of Javier Tarazona, his brother Rafael Tarazona and the head of Fundaredes in the state of Falcón, lawyer Omar De Dios García, is a fierce response against the organization for unveiling decisive proof not only of the presence of Colombian guerrillas on Venezuelan territory, But it also becomes an exemplary act against those who dare to point out the presence of guerrilla groups on Venezuelan territory, which is not only a reality but which represents every day the danger of the fragmentation of Venezuelan territory in the hands of irregulars, access to powerful military weapons and a threat to the continent.

The accusation

The request that Tarazona made to the public prosecutor cannot be ignored, even if it is aimed at circumventing his arrest, precisely while he was at the headquarters of the higher prosecutor’s office in Coro, capital of the state of Falcón, where he went. denounce that he and his team of activists were harassed by the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

Although several lawyers have designated themselves as legal defenders of Tarazona, his brother and García, the lawyers for FundaRedes are Luis Useche, legal officer and Clara Ramírez, human rights and documentation officer, who accompanied the group of activists. in Falcón.

It is important to note that Tarazona Sánchez, when he appeared before the public prosecutor to request the investigation of representatives of the revolution with the Colombian guerrillas FARC and ELN, he also did so against the mayor of the municipality of Páez from the State of Apure, José María Romero alias Chema, whom he pointed out as a member of the Venezuelan armed organization National Bolivarian Liberation Forces which is now called the Patriotic Forces of National Liberation (FBL / FPLN).

José María Romero, alias Chema, mayor of the Municipality of Paez de Apure
José María Romero, alias Chema, mayor of the municipality of Paez de Apure

In addition to asking to determine the relationship of Ramón Rodríguez Chacín and his wife Carola de Rodríguez, with the leaders of COCE-ELN, he asked that the participation of the spouses of Rodríguez Chacín in the guerrilla shelters be the subject of one survey: fifth El Vendaval and Hato Guayabal, in the state of Barinas.

He added “we ask the public prosecutor to report on the relationship between Agropecuaria Don Pío, an agricultural register in the name of Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, and the operations of irregular armed groups in the national territory”. Also the relationship between the company Blindaje Seguridad y Protección CA and the thousands of weapons that were reported to the prosecution as missing.

On the other hand, “we denounce today the participation of José María Romero alias Chema of the municipality of Páez of the State of Apure, in the functioning of the Second Marquetalia, and of the actions of the FARC and the ELN in the Venezuela, since this man is a leader of the FBL, a Venezuelan guerrilla organization that operates widely in Apure and other regions through the current of Bolívar and Zamora ”.

He claimed that it is necessary to investigate “For what reason the mayor of the municipality of Páez in the State of Apure is used as the epicenter of operations with the leaders of the ELN and the FARC.”

And he concluded by saying that “given the withdrawal of the alias Gabino from the ELN command a week ago, it is necessary to investigate whether this change will limit the functioning of the clandestine tracks, the laboratories and the presence in 21 entities of the country of the guerrilla groups or on the contrary represents a deepening of illicit activities ”.

The UPEL Teachers Association rejects the arrest of Tarazona, professor at the said university
The Association of Professors of UPEL rejects the arrest of Tarazona, professor at the said university

Discreet and dangerous

This is how Rodríguez Chacín is described by a man who was also part of the government of Hugo Chávez and who spoke to Infobae. “President Chávez said Ramón was like ‘a loyal dog’ and this is how he behaved with him. He is deeply suspicious, he does not hesitate if he feels in danger and that makes him very dangerous. So I also tell you that he rests with friends, it made it easier for him that he has no ideological commitment, yesterday he was the fiercest anti-guerrilla fighter and today he is a friend of the guerrillas . I don’t know if that explains how it is. He considers himself a rambo. Your weakness? Although I know it will seem strange to you, but his weakness is not his children, it is his wife Carola Martínez de Rodríguez ”.

The ex-minister-in-a-post-on-Twitter
The ex-minister-in-a-post-on-Twitter

Prior to Hugo Chávez’s coup attempt against President Carlos Andrés Pérez, Rodríguez Chacín was a member of the José Antonio Páez Specific Command (CEJAP), an anti-guerrilla military unit, which achieved several successes, but was also denounced for massacres like El Amparo and Los Amparitos.

He has always had a major attraction for police intelligence, it is not by chance that he studied security and national defense, he even obtained a doctorate in political science, according to the Poderopedia page. He created his own intelligence networks which he reinforced when Chávez appointed him Minister of the Interior in January 2002. Without explanation, he left office, but he remained a resource that the President of the Republic of the time used for sensitive police work that required discretion. . , such as the negotiation with the FARC within the framework of Operation Emmanuel which led to the release of the son Clara Leticia Rojas González had in captivity when she was kidnapped along with former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt; the kidnapping lasted eight years.


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