“What I have Swedish”: this is how Noroña asked Murayama to put the boxes for August 1st


Fernández Noroña responded to Ciro Murayama for investigation by the UIF (Photo art: Steve Allen)
Fernández Noroña responded to Ciro Murayama for investigation by the UIF (Photo art: Steve Allen)

Gerardo Fernández Noroña, federal deputy of Labour Party (TP), asked the National Electoral Institute (OTHER) and in particular the advisor Ciro Murayama install the appropriate boxes for the August 1 consultation.

Through his Twitter account, the supporter of the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the autonomous body and the member of the Electoral Council they should focus on placing the ballot boxes for popular consultation which will allow the investigation of the former presidents of Mexico instead of paying attention to an alleged investigation led by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) against him.

“You also have autonomy and independence what I have as a Swede, a bunch of thugs. INE and Ciro Murayama. Put all the boxes for the August 1 consultation, that’s what you have to do, ”the secretary of the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies wrote on Sunday July 4 in response to a tweet from Murayama Rendón.

The electoral adviser declared his innocence in the face of any alleged allegations (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The electoral adviser declared his innocence in the face of any alleged allegations (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

And it is that in the morning of that same day, the electoral adviser condemned the alleged persecution of Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) which he executed against him, since the unit led by Santiago nieto, would have opened, denied and ended a series of investigations against the member of the INE.

The government canceled its “investigation” against me through the FIU. This confirms that there is nothing abnormal in my career and that his motivation was only political. But beware: beyond me, the authoritarian objective is to harm the autonomous and independent INE, ”wrote the advisor in the image of a column published in a national newspaper.

In the segment Linotype of Peniley ramirez published in the newspaper Reform, it is claimed that the FIU conducted and canceled the investigation against Ciro Murayama as a sign of political persecution for being an uneasy member of the López Obrador government.

Fernández Noroña responded to Ciro Murayama via Twitter (Photo: Twitter / DiputadosPTLXIV)
Fernández Noroña responded to Ciro Murayama via Twitter (Photo: Twitter / DiputadosPTLXIV)

It should be noted that the rivalry between Murayama and Noroña serves a transcendence beyond the current situation presented by the supposed investigation of the UIF and the investigation against the former presidents of Mexico of the so-called neoliberal period.

During this year’s election period, the federal legislature has repeatedly condemned the performance of Murayama and Lorenzo Córdova, the INE’s presidential adviser, as it seemed to him that he favored the so-called parliamentary opposition. So much so that he came to ask for the resignation of these two public officials.

“The National Electoral Institute and in particular Lorenzo Córdova and Ciro Murayama are not sold-out referees, they are fierce opponents of our government. And they have the right to be in the opposition, but they do it outside the National Electoral Institute […] We have to run towards Lorenzo Córdova and Ciro MurayamaHe said in an ordinary session at the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro in March this year.

On August 1, the popular consultation will take place to bring the former presidents to justice in case they are found to have signs of unlawful responsibility (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
On August 1, the popular consultation will take place to bring the former presidents to justice in case they are found to have signs of unlawful responsibility (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

This demand appeared with the reform proposed by the INE to modify the proportional representation in the lower house before the June 6 elections, which affected the number of seats allocated to Morena and her allies (PT-PVEM).

Regarding the issue that Noroña reported, AMLO had already indicated which issue will be resolved:

“Do you want former presidents Carlos Salinas, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto to be investigated and, according to law, to be tried? Yes or no?”

Therefore, Fernández Noroña’s insistence against Murayama and the INE, in reality, is based on problems of an electoral nature.


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