Antony Fauci urged Americans to get the coronavirus vaccine: “We have the tool to prevent preventable deaths”


Antony Fauci, Senior US Government Epidemiologist (EFE / Anna Moneymaker)
Antony Fauci, Senior US Government Epidemiologist (EFE / Anna Moneymaker)

Anthony Fauci this Sunday called on the North American population to leave the “differences” and to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to avoid “preventable” deaths.

“We are dealing with a historic situation with this pandemic and we have the tools to counter it,” the principal epidemiologist of the North American government told the channel NBC.

“Let’s put all these differences aside and understand that the common enemy is the virus”added.

A poll published this Sunday by the newspaper The Washington Post and the chain ABC News revealed that Of those who have not yet been vaccinated, 74% felt they were “unlikely” to receive an injection.

Fauci lamented that about 99.2% of people who have died in recent weeks from the virus have not been vaccinated.

“No vaccine is perfect, but when you talk about the possibility of avoiding hospitalization and death, it is truly sad and tragic that most of them are preventable and preventable.”, he claimed.

Consultado sobre the variable delta, el experto advirtió que “claramente es más transmisible” y señaló que “parece ser más letal”, en cuanto a su gravedad, is that es más probable that los contagiados requieran hospitalización o, en algunos casos, expongan to death.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that delta variant, first detected in India, currently accounts for 25% of new covid-19 cases in the country, which has already exceeded 600,000 deaths from this virus.

Fauci reiterated the importance of the entire population being vaccinated against the coronavirus (REUTERS / Brian Snyder)
Fauci reiterated the importance of everyone being vaccinated against the coronavirus (REUTERS / Brian Snyder)

The White House coordinator for covid-19, Jeff Zients, indicated that on July 4, when the United States commemorates its independence, the country has “a lot to celebrate” and pointed out that 2 in 3 American adults, over the age of 18, received at least their first dose of vaccine.

“If you are vaccinated you are protected and if you are not vaccinated you are not protected. And this is especially important for everyone, including young people, in light of the delta variant, ”Zients said in an interview with the channel. ABC News.

CDC figures indicate that 47.3% of the population (156.9 million people) are fully vaccinated and 54.9% (182.1 million) have already received the first dose.

These percentages rise to 58.1% with full vaccination among the population over 18 years of age and 67% with one injection.

The American President, Joe biden, he had set a target for July 4 that 70% of the American adult population would have already received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Zients also assured that an event hosted by Biden this Sunday to celebrate Independence Day with a barbecue at the White House to which some 1,000 people were invited, especially essential workers and military personnel and their families, ” becomes the right way “.

“It’s an open-air event with testing and selection”said the official, who said they would be followed according to CDC guidelines.

White House covid-19 coordinator Jeff Zients (REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)
White House covid-19 coordinator Jeff Zients (REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque)

The United States will send special teams with medical personnel to critical points across the country to deal with the delta variant of covid-19, Zients announced last week.

The teams will work with communities “at high risk or already experiencing epidemics due to the spread of the delta variant and its low vaccination rate”.said the official, who did not specify which states will be assisted. In addition, he explained that these teams “will improve contact tracing of patients and provide treatment to those infected”, among others, in affected areas.

Despite the increase in the number of cases of the delta variant, administration experts recalled this Thursday that it is not necessary to use a mask for people who are fully vaccinated. So said Fauci, and the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in its acronym in English), Rochelle Walensky.

Asked about the need for the mask, Fauci explained that fully vaccinated people “have a high degree of protection” against this new variant: “Therefore, it is not necessary for them to use the marking, whether indoors or outdoors.”

With information from the EFE


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