Man was bitten by his neighbor’s python while sitting on the toilet


A python on display in a market in Thailand.EFE / EPA / NARONG SANGNAK / Archive
A python on display in a market in Thailand.EFE / EPA / NARONG SANGNAK / Archive

A snake python 160 centimeters, who had crawled through the pipes, today bit a neighbor in the Austrian city of Graz in the genitals while sitting on the toilet, local media reported.

The 65-year-old was in the bathroom when he felt a “prick” in his crotch, he told police.

Although he was not seriously injured, he was examined in a hospital to rule out possible infections.

The reptile has been identified as an albino reticulated python, a species of non-venomous snake, which belongs to the victim’s neighbor, a 24-year-old boy.

The boy, who said he did not understand how the animal escaped from the terrarium where he had it, has been charged with negligent injury and is awaiting a decision whether or not to remove the animal.

The young man has ten other non-poisonous snakes and a gecko, and the python is believed to have reached the neighbor’s house through the pipesexplained the APA agency.

The python was rescued from the toilet by a reptile expert.

“It was not an easy task. The python had all of its muscles in tension and was stuck in the pipe,” he told Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung.


In September 2020, Siraphop Masukarat, an 18-year-old from Taildan, reported that suddenly felt a strong pain. He stopped, looked down and saw a three-foot python, its fangs still hanging from the end of the phallus.

Screaming, and with the reptile hanging between his legs, he managed to break loose and fled with his pants still at the ankles. “There was blood everywhere. It was a small snake, but its bite was very strong“, He said Viral press.

News leak
News leak

Sirahpop received three stitches in the glans area and prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection.

For her part, Sutapath, the victim’s mother, said she was still shocked by what had happened. “I don’t know how the snake entered my house. It could have been through the drain connected to the toilet. I’m relieved it’s just a non-poisonous python. If I were a cobra I would be dead“, He sighed.

(with information from the EFE)


Young man bitten on penis by python while watching bathroom videos

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