AMLO on the fire in the Gulf of Mexico that affected the world: “It was an accident”


Video: Government of Mexico

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that it was an accident what happened last Friday when a Petróleos Mexicanos gas pipeline belonging to the Ku Maloob Zaap marine complex exploded.

“The work is already underway. The first reports that it is about a gas and nitrogen leak in a gas pipeline, which exploded with rain, thunderstorm, with electric shocks.

Fortunately, there was no loss of life, it was checked fairly quickly, in very few hours, and the investigation has already started. and also both Pemex and the Department of the Environment are starting to do an assessment of the damage that has been done and of course we will fix it.

What happened was an accident, we rule out that it was something intentional, Pemex intervenes anyway, the prosecutor’s office and the Secretary of the Environment intervened ”, declared the Mexican president.

Pemex recorded this Friday a spectacular gas leak and a fire in an underwater gas pipeline off the coast of the southeastern state of Campeche which has already been checked, according to the same state oil company.

“The incident was immediately addressed when security protocols were activated and with the accompaniment of nearby firefighting vessels such as Santa Cruz Island, Campeche Bay and Bourbon Alienor,” said the company in a brief statement.

The gas leak was detected by Pemex at 5:15 am (10:15 am GMT) in the 12-inch submarine pipeline with the “presence of fire at sea” 150 meters from the KU-C platform, located in the Strait of Campeche .

The state oil company proceeded to “close the interconnection valves in the pipeline, extinguishing the fire and the gas emission”, so that the leak was considered to be under control at 10:45 a.m. (3:45 p.m. GMT), more than five hours after its detection.

In its statement, Pemex said “normal operating conditions” have already been restored and “no injuries or evacuations have been reported.”

“Petróleos Mexicanos will conduct a root cause analysis of this incident,” he said.

In a statement, Greenpeace said the accident reflects the risks posed by the energy model based on fossil fuels.

“Under the extractivist model of fossil fuels, these are the risks we face every day that call for a change in energy model,” said Gustavo Ampugnani, executive director of Greenpeace Mexico.

Pemex has suffered a debt crisis for years, amounting to $ 113,957 million, and the production, with 1.7 million barrels per day, for which the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has proposed to bail it out as part of your energy self-sufficiency plan.

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