The moving letter from the father of Samuel, the young Spaniard who was murdered for being homosexual


Authorities in northwestern Spain on Monday asked for more time to thoroughly investigate the death of Samuel, a 24-year-old man whoAccording to his associates, he was beaten to death for being gay.

LGBTQ activists called to march dozens of cities for this Monday, while cabinet members declared Samuel Luiz’s death a hate crime.

During this time, his father wrote a moving letter which he left deposited where the young man received the fatal blows: “Hello, I am Samuel’s father, first of all I would like to thank the excellent work of the 061 teams for all the efforts made regarding the rapid care of our son”.

They took away the only light that illuminated our life. We know we’re going to have a very long way to go. We will be supported by our family, friends and colleagues who will help us get out of this dark path “, wrote.

In this sense, he thanked the authorities of “our wonderful city, La Coruña. Thank you with all my heart. May God reward all the love you give us. A big hug to all of you and we hope that another dark day like the one we are living will never happen again ”.

“No to violence”, closed the father.

Police check surveillance cameras and interview more than a dozen suspects and witnesses who were outside the La Coruna city nightclub at the time the crime occurred in the early hours of Saturday, a representative of the government of Galicia, in the north-west of the country, reported on Monday.

Friends of the victim told the Spanish newspaper The world that the suspects started attacking Luiz, who at the time was in a video call with a friend, because they believed that I was trying to record them. The attackers used a derogatory word towards homosexuals, friends said.

They take everyone’s depositions and from there, well, the investigation will know if it is a homophobic crime or not.», Declared the delegate José Miñones to the press. He asked “cautionWhen describing the facts.

Until, no arrests have been made, Miñones added.

Death came at a time when attacks against people in the LGBTQ community are increasing. Activist groups claim that official statistics only reflect a fraction of the problem because many incidents go unreported.

Several people criticized the Minister of Social Rights Ioane Belarra on social media for describing Luiz’s death too quickly as a “hate crime“When he tweeted his condolences to the victim’s family and friends on Sunday

We want a country without violence where everyone feels free for who they areBelarra tweeted.

(With AP information)

Read on:

Samuel’s brutal murder scandalizes Spain: he was beaten to death for his homosexuality

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