The letter Biden sent to Guaidó on the occasion of Venezuela’s independence anniversary: ​​”We are fighting for a peaceful transition of power”


Joe Biden in speech on July 4, U.S. Independence Day (Photo: REUTERS)
Joe Biden in speech on July 4, U.S. Independence Day (Photo: REUTERS)

The president of the United States, Joe biden, sent a letter to the first president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, as part of the 210th anniversary of the independence of the Caribbean country.

In the letter, Biden wished him “Our sincere congratulations to commemorate the 210th anniversary of the declaration of its independence on July 5 ”.

“It is on this day that we reflect on the enormous work that you, your government, the elected National Assembly and, above all, the Venezuelan people have done in the search for a peaceful and democratic transition in Venezuela. Under your leadership and in coalition with the leaders of civil society, you preserve these ideals of freedom, democracy and sovereignty.“Added the message.

Meanwhile, the letter ended with a quote to the greatest Venezuelan patriot: “As Simón Bolívar said, ‘a people who love freedom, in the end will be free’. As always, we remain committed to supporting the struggle for the freedom of all Venezuelans through a peaceful and democratic transition of power.”.

Earlier posted a message on their social networks the American Ambassador to Venezuela, James Story: “Happy Independence Day to all of Venezuela! The United States and Venezuela have so much in common that we celebrate our independence just one day apart. We also share fundamental values ​​and the importance of democracy ”.

On independence day, Juan Guaidó urged Venezuelans to stand up "in every corner" of the country to fight for their rights (EFE / Rayner Peña R)
On Independence Day, Juan Guaidó urged Venezuelans to stand up “in every corner” of the country to fight for their rights (EFE / Rayner Peña R)

“We must stand up in all corners of Venezuela to fight for our rights. Today, like this July 5, 1811, we are committed to our country and we are looking for all of us who want a change to demand our freedom and a second independence, ”Guaidó said on his social networks on Monday.

On the occasion of Venezuela’s Independence Day, the interim president led an act in Plaza Brión de Chacaíto, in Caracas. There, the Leader of the Opposition reiterated the need for a national salvation accord. In this regard, he indicated that When Venezuelans subscribe to this initiative, they affix the signature just as the country’s heroes did 210 years ago: “With her, we embark on the dream of seeing our country reborn.”

He also sent a direct message to young Venezuelans: “You who have never stopped demonstrating, your dreams are there, your family is there, don’t give up. If there is a future in this country!

“We put the dictatorship in 3 and 2, they did not succeed in defeating us, here we are in the streets of Venezuela”, he added.

On Venezuela’s Independence Day, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle bachelet, expressed concern at the arrest of three activists from an NGO critical of the Nicolás Maduro regime and accused of “terrorism”.

“The arrest of three Fundaredes members just three days ago is a worrying example [de las restricciones al espacio cívico]”Bachelet said in a statement in Geneva, where the Human Rights Council was held.

Human rights violations continue in Venezuela
Human rights violations continue in Venezuela

The former Chilean president thus called on Caracas to authorize “Urgent access [a los detenidos] defense lawyers of their choice ”and to review the current legal framework, in particular“ the disproportionate control of civil society ”.

During her speech on the human rights situation in Venezuela, the UN official criticized the “link between humanitarian and human rights activities and terrorism”.

For its part, International Penal Court (CPI) rejected in the last hours the challenge that the regime of Nicolas Mature he had made the investigation that the prosecutor’s office had opened into the systematic violation of human rights under the mandate of the Venezuelan dictator. The preliminary resolution, which is dated July 2, was only known today and will be complete on July 21, when the deadline for Venezuela present your paperwork to complete the judgment and move the indictment forward.

The pronouncement known this Monday responds to the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office International Penal Court so that the briefs presented during the incident are published with edited versions to protect victims and witnesses, among others affected.


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