Bolsonaro, the scandal collector | Opinion


From Rio de Janeiro

It is impressive to see how the speed at which they occur intensifies new scandals Axis of far-right Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro.

As if that weren’t enough how they turn out corruption schemes involving civil servants – with an emphasis on the military integrated into positions previously held by technicians and scientists – within the Ministry of Health, now a complaint with solid evidence arises and a personal testament to what many Brazilians have been wary of until now: Throughout his career as an MP (28 years), Bolsonaro ordered a system of embezzlement of public funds also practiced by his three sons who hold parliamentary positions.

This is something quite common among the so-called “lower clergy” of the Brazilian parliament, made up of advisers, deputies and senators with dark past: hire ghost counselors and keep a substantial part, if not all, of their salaries.

They run investigations into two presidential sons, Rio de Janeiro adviser Carlos (who spends more than half of his time in Brasilia) and Senator Flavio, and concrete evidence of such a practice has already emerged. They also do it ostensibly: the senator, whose take-home pay hovers around five thousand dollars a month, recently bought a mansion in Brasilia for $ 1.2 million.

The president’s father has always been suspicious, whose heritage is rigorously incompatible with what he has earned throughout his life as a national deputy. But now A former sister-in-law denounced, with audio recordings, that her brother had been fired from Bolsonaro’s office in his time as an MP for refusing to pay the boss 80% of his salary.

According to the Brazilian Constitution, a president cannot be sentenced for crimes committed before taking office. But it can be studied.

As Bolsonaro has infiltrated people he trusted in all institutions to protect himself and their children, it is considered difficult for the attorney general’s office to initiate the investigation. But the wear and tear caused by this new scandal will only increase the already high tide of scandals that the higher, the more the extreme right wears out.

It turns out that in addition to protecting the high corruption system put in place at the Department of Health and having previously protected its then Minister of the Environment accused by US authorities of association with exporters illegal timber from the Amazon, Bolsonaro spearheaded the family project to appropriate most of the salaries of his parliamentary advisers.

Let’s see what is on the horizon to hasten the melting of the worst president in the history of the Brazilian Republic.

For now, the main reason for the desperate efforts to secure his re-election (something increasingly unlikely, for that matter) is understood: If he loses the presidential seat, his next destination will be prison. Not only because of the genocide he promoted: also because of corruption.


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