The Venezuelan dictatorship reiterated its willingness to dialogue with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


In mid-2019, Michelle Bachelet traveled to Venezuela to meet with the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition led by Juan Guaidó (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)
In mid-2019, Michelle Bachelet traveled to Venezuela to meet with the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition led by Juan Guaidó (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)

The Venezuelan dictatorship reiterated its will on Monday “Maintain channels of communication and dialogue” with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet.

“Venezuela, in order to continue to intensify the cooperation due with this office, ratifies its will to maintain channels of communication and dialogue with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights”, we read in a statement issued by the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

In this message, he asks that these relations be based on “strict respect for the principles of objectivity, non-selectivity, impartiality, non-politicization, respect for sovereignty and constructive dialogue without geopolitical agendas at the service of hegemonic powers contrary to international law. . “

The message was released shortly after reading an updated report by Bachelet’s office in Geneva.

In the said report, which coincided with the commemoration of Independence Day in Venezuela, the High Commissioner for Human Rights assured that restrictions on civic space “continue to be a matter of concern”, in particular “stigma, criminalization and threats against women.”.

The former Chilean president gave the example of the recent arrest of three members of the human rights NGO Fundaredes, including its president, Javier Tarazona, and called for those arrested to have prompt access to defense lawyers of their choice.

Michelle Bachelet updated the report on human rights violations in Venezuela (REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins)
Michelle Bachelet updated the report on human rights violations in Venezuela (REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins)

“I continue to urge the release of all those arbitrarily detained”, he expressed. In this sense, he referred to the recent arrest of the three activists, who denounced the collusion between the regime and FARC dissidents on the Colombian-Venezuelan border. “The arrest of three Fundaredes members just three days ago is extremely worrying. I take this opportunity to request urgent access to the defense lawyers

Overall, the report found progress in Venezuela compared to previous updates, such as reforms initiated in the justice system and the police, which offer opportunities, according to the high commissioner, to “improve the mechanisms of supervision and accountability “.

He also applauded the downward trend in deaths in protests by opponents of the Maduro regime, but clarified: “One death is already too much”. And he added: “There is an urgent need to continue to advance the judicial processes of accountability for the dead in the social protests of recent years.”

Bachelet said detention conditions in many Venezuelan centers remain worrying, although he stressed that Maduro’s dictatorship made it easier for officials in his office to visit up to 26 such facilities to examine the situation. prisoners, including one from the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin).

About, the Venezuelan regime rejected the latest report released by Bachelet’s office and called its content “spurious”, in addition to considering that “it highlights the biased origin of it”.

In his response, the Ambassador of Venezuela to the UN, Hector Constant, dismissed the report as international interference and hostile in nature. As he added, it contains erroneous data and methodological flaws. In addition, he indicated that he had requested information from the Human Rights Office to verify the information published.

Michelle Bachelet calls for the release of political prisoners in Venezuela
Michelle Bachelet calls for the release of political prisoners in Venezuela

“Despite this, Venezuela stands out for its harmonious constitutional system of defense and guarantee of human rights which has been the protective shield of its people against the barbaric criminal blockade imposed and directed by Washington”, concluded the regime in his statement.

Bachelet announced that in September, he will present a complementary report on the crisis in Venezuela and expressed confidence that progress will soon be made towards establishing an office based in the country.

For its part, International Penal Court (CPI) rejected in the last hours the challenge that the regime of Mature he had made the investigation that the prosecutor’s office had opened into the systematic violation of human rights under the mandate of the Venezuelan dictator. The preliminary resolution, which is dated July 2, was only known today and will be complete on July 21, when the deadline for Venezuela present your paperwork to complete the judgment and move the indictment forward.

The pronouncement known this Monday responds to the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office International Penal Court so that the briefs presented during the incident are published with edited versions to protect victims and witnesses, among others affected.

With information from the EFE


Michelle Bachelet updates the report on human rights violations in Venezuela: “I continue to urge that all those arbitrarily detained be released.
International Criminal Court rejects Maduro regime’s challenge and advances investigation for human rights violation in Venezuela

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