UK to lift all restrictions, estimates daily COVID cases to reach 100,000: ‘We have to live with the virus’


Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Reuters)
Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Reuters)

UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said COVID-19 cases will continue to rise in the UK and are even considered to skyrocket to 100,000 a day this summer, fruit of new strategy of “coexistence” with the coronavirus which will take effect on July 19, when all restrictions are removed.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed on Monday that England will finally take the final step in de-escalation, which will mean the end of measures such as masks or distancing from the 19th. For the Government, this is possible thanks to the vaccination campaign.

However, infections are on the rise and Javid has advanced in statements to BBC What by July 19, there will be about double the current cases, or “about 50,000 new cases per day”.

That’s not all. Then he warned: “When we relax and move into summer, we expect them to increase dramatically and could reach 100,000.”

For the government, “What matters above all is hospitalization and the number of deaths“, Two data that have improved in recent months. On Monday, the health ministry only notified nine deaths, as the vaccination campaign progresses and already 64 percent of the population has the full directive.

Health Secretary Says They Must Learn To Live With COVID

As Javid explained, there are currently around 25,000 cases per day, and the last time that figure was rounded (in the previous wave) the death toll was 500 per day. Now the figure is one-thirtieth of that amount, in a population with more antibodies.

The authorities are studying formulas to make life easier for those who already have two doses, which “makes sense” in the opinion of Javid, who intends to announce the changes soon. The minister, who took over the reins of the pandemic after the sudden departure of his predecessor, advocated “treating differently” those who are already fully immune.

Regarding the use of the mask, Javid explained that he will always wear it with him in the near future and will wear it if he is “in a crowded place”, mainly “out of respect for others”.

Johnson announcement: individual responsibility

England is expected to enter phase four of the roadmap established by the British government on July 19 to exit from the strong measures put in place at the start of the year, despite the increase in infections by the delta variant.

At a press conference from Downing Street, the chief executive said that if favorable epidemiological data is confirmed on July 12, the following week, the “legal limitations” will disappear and Sectors of the economy that are still closed will be able to reopen, such as certain major events and nightlife, with no capacity limit.

Pedestrians in London (Reuters)
Pedestrians in London (Reuters)

Johnson also said he is in talks with the tourism industry and airlines to try to eliminate the requirement to comply with quarantine for vaccinated travelers returning to the UK from an orange destination, such as Spain. , France or Italy.

The prime minister acknowledged that as restrictions are relaxed, COVID cases will increase, driven by the contagious delta variant, dominant in this country, but said that now in the summer, with schools closed, this is the best time to “learn to live” with the disease. “If we don’t open now, then when?” “He asked, and indicated that the government has taken the “weighed and balanced” decision to de-escalate the containment imposed last January.

He stressed that once the legal imperatives are eliminated – as his deputies claim – citizens must use “their own judgment” to assess their behavior in each situation. “As we begin to learn to live with this virus, we all need to carefully manage risks and exercise our own judgment in our livesSaid during the appearance, along with executive medical and scientific advisers Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance.

They warn of the risk

The announcement was greeted with concern by Labor leader Keir Starmer, UK opposition leader, who called the Conservative government’s plan “dangerous” and asked to keep some protection, like masks, especially in closed places or public transport.

The Unite union, which represents public transport workers, said it would be a “gross negligence on the part of the government“Eliminate the use of masks on public transport within two weeks.

The government has announced the lifting of the measures as there is a daily rise in infections in the UK, where on the last day 27,334 new cases and nine other deaths have been recorded. The rest of the UK – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – maintain various restrictions.

University of Liverpool expert Calum Semple told media that the government’s decision is a calculated risk. “We now have good data which indicates that we are gradually breaking the link between infections in the community and severe cases in hospital,” said Semple. “I would like to point out that by looking at the data last night, 88% of the people hospitalized, from what I see, were not vaccinated or received the preparation but did not have the opportunity to develop a immunity, “he said.

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)


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