Alberto Fernández on the occasion of the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party | “I want to thank you for your cooperation. You have certainly helped us with the vaccines.”


President Alberto Fernández underlined that China is a “full strategic partner” of Argentina and thanked “the Chinese people’s and government collaboration” with the country to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are celebrating 49 years of bilateral relations. I would like to thank you for your cooperation. Through donations and facilities for the acquisition of strategic supplies in times of scarcity. They definitely helped us with the vaccines ”, remarked the president by participating, in a virtual way, of the centenary ceremony of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.

In his capacity as leader of the Justicialista Party, Fernández made a presentation at the World Summit of Political Parties organized by the CPC, in which more than 500 world leaders participated virtually with the aim of enhancing exchanges and cooperation to face global challenges.

As part of the bilateral relationship, Fernández expressed his “gratitude for the cooperation in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic through donations and facilities for the acquisition of strategic supplies”. In addition, he appreciated that “In times of global shortage, they also helped us definitively with vaccines”. Argentina has three flights from Beijing scheduled for this week, with 758,000 shots each of China’s Sinopharm vaccine – they will arrive on July 9, 10 and 11.

The Argentine President pointed out that “The ties that unite our countries are varied and solid and currently China is our second largest trading partner and is also making significant investments “in Argentina such as” infrastructure works and gas pipelines.

In another order, The president also recalled the “historic relationship” between Perón and Mao Tse-Tung, the founder of the People’s Republic of China., who -as he analyzed it- “shared visions” and also stressed that “China is a world power and a central protagonist” on the planet.

On the other hand, in his presentation, Fernández congratulated his Chinese counterpart for his “wonderful speech in which he valued multilateralism, concern for the environment, the preservation of world peace and solidarity”. “I think these are four central points for thinking about a better world and that’s why I wanted to start my remarks by congratulating him and frankly sharing these goals,” he said.

Message from Xi Jinping

chinese president Xi Jinping promised to “promote cooperation” and “the development of peoples” through multilateralism and never “hegemony or the construction of areas of influence”., leading the summit with political parties and leaders from around the world as part of the centenary celebrations of the Communist Party of China (CCP).

In the opening speech of the summit, the Chinese president stressed that “the world is going through strong changes and is trying to face the challenges of Covid-19 and to recover from it”. “We are living in times of greater isolation, disconnection and zero-sum play. But faced with common challenges, no country can save itself and we must live in harmony, ”he asked.

For this, he proposed to rely on “multilateralism” and “oppose the exercise of unilateralism, hegemony and force to resolve international affairs, which must instead be decided by all countries “

The host didn’t mention America, but the message was clearly intended to contradict the global leadership of the White House.

“Each people has the right to adopt its own development path, its own political system. There is no single way to exercise democracy, but they are diverse. The right to judge whether a country is democratic or no is incumbent on his peoples, not on the outside, he declared, without explicitly mentioning the policy of sanctions by the United States and the European powers against the leaders of his country for calling into question the rights of man and interference in the semi-autonomy of Hong Kong.

Fight the coronavirus

“China will give its full support to the fight against Covid and strive to make vaccines available,” Xi said. on one of the most sensitive points of the moment, while access to doses is still very deficient in most middle and low-income countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The call for more equal access to coronavirus vaccines was a central part of the speech by South African President and leader of his party, the African National Congress, Cyril Ramaphosa.

“As the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit us, from the African National Congress party, we call for solidarity, for international compassion. We must use our multilateral institutions to bridge the gap between rich and poor countries in access to vaccines and doctors against Covid. -19. We must ensure that no one can be denied access to the vaccine because of where they live or who they are, ”the President said.

Like Xi, Ramaphosa did not mention any country in his criticism, but he sent a clear message against governments that oppose the temporary release of vaccines to stop the pandemic, mainly Germany, the European Union, the Switzerland, the United Kingdom, among others. .


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