Coronavirus: Catalonia reimposes restrictions on bars and nightclubs | To stop the exponential increase in infections among young people


The Catalan government decided on Tuesday reverse and close nightclubs that are not outdoors this weekend to stop the “exponential” spread of the coronavirus in this region of northeastern Spain. The measurement is due to the fact that a sharp increase in infections especially in young people.

“We must close the nightlife that is not done in open spaces and also impose restrictions on outdoor events that bring together a lot of people”, announced on Tuesday the spokesperson of the Government of Catalonia, Patricia Plaja, while in described the epidemiological situation in Catalonia as “extremely complicated”.

From this weekend, the discotheques of this region with strong tourist activity will not be able to use their closed spaces. In addition, Those who participate in outdoor events that bring together more than 500 people must pass an antigen test, present a negative PCR test with a validity of more than 12 hours or proof that they have a full vaccination.

The resolution in which the Catalan government is working – and which only needs to define details, according to Plaja – has also will institute the closure of night-time activities from 3 a.m. local time.

The increase in infections in Catalonia, which mainly affects the youngest who have not yet been vaccinated, it exploded in the weeks following the popular feast of San Juan and the reopening of nightlife in Catalonia a few days earlier.

“It’s not that the pandemic isn’t over, it’s that He shows himself with a virulence that we did not know. The transmission rate is very high, ”warned Patricia Plaja after a meeting of the Catalan government held a day after this region of 7.8 million inhabitants recorded more than 6,000 infections. in one day.

For this reason, the spokesperson noted that it is being evaluated to return to the compulsory use of chin straps outdoors, that Madrid ceased to impose on June 26.

“With the data we know today, we believe that the mask should again be a mandatory item in Catalonia, but only the Spanish government can change its use,” Plaja said.

“The data is not good at all,” said Fernando Simón, chief epidemiologist at the Ministry of Health, who explained that “these data vary greatly between age groups”.

In front of this situation, Several regions of Spain analyze if restrictions increase despite good vaccination rate available to the country: 40.3% of the 47 million Spaniards are already fully vaccinated.


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