Sergio Massa received Jewish entities to announce the Latin American Congress against Terrorism


Sergio Massa, with representatives of Jewish entities
Sergio Massa, with representatives of Jewish entities

Sergio massa received from Jewish entities to announce the Congress of Latin American Parliamentarians Against Terrorism. The forum, organized jointly between Latin American Jewish Congress (CJL) and the presidency of the National Chamber of Deputies, will be held on Thursday, July 15 and will serve as a commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the AMIA attack. They attended today’s preliminary meeting Claudio Epelman, director general of CJL; Jorge Knoblovits, president of the DAIA and secretary general of the CJL; Yes Ariel Eichbaum, president of AMIA and one of the vice-presidents of CJL.

“The AMIA cause is also a Latin American issue. More international cooperation and more democracy will translate into less international terrorism “Epelman noted after the meeting. “La continuidad de acciones como esta, en la que los Estados de la region vienen colaborando desde hace más de diez años, son claves en el combate contra este flagelo”, agregó el director ejecutivo de la organización que nuclea y represented a las comunidades judías of the region.

The Chamber of Deputies will host the online meeting it will organize with the Latin American Jewish Congress. “It will be a tribute to the victims, but also a commitment to take up together the commitment to strengthen the legal framework to face the scourge of international terrorism”, explained Sergio Massa of the Forum of Parliamentarians against Terrorism. “We are going to join the congresses of the region so that history does not repeat itself and so that our laws and our institutions are strengthened in the fight against discrimination, hatred and death,” added the Speaker of the House. low.

The meeting took place in the presence of Claudio Epelman, Executive Director of CJL;  Jorge Knoblovits, President of DAIA and Secretary General of CJL;  and Ariel Eichbaum, president of AMIA and one of the vice-presidents of CJL
The meeting took place in the presence of Claudio Epelman, Executive Director of CJL; Jorge Knoblovits, President of DAIA and Secretary General of CJL; and Ariel Eichbaum, president of AMIA and one of the vice-presidents of CJL

The Forum of Parliamentarians against Terrorism will be held by videoconference on Thursday, July 15, in commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the AMIA attack, and will serve as a framework to generate and strengthen policies that face the scourge of international terrorism.

The participation of Speakers of Parliaments Artur Lira (Brazil), Diego Paulsen (Chile), Dulce María Sauri Riancho (Mexico -for the first time-), Pedro Alliana (Paraguay), Alfredo Fratti (Uruguay); Vice-President Astrid Sánchez Montes de Oca (Colombia) and President of the Latin American Jewish Congress, Jack Terpins.

Since 2007, the Latin American Jewish Congress has convened lawmakers from South American countries to pay tribute to the victims of the AMIA attack and to promote legislative initiatives to ensure that terrorist acts do not happen again. never in the area.. More than 350 members of Latin American parliaments participated in these meetings held on the eve of the central act of commemoration of the attack.


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