The United States has updated the list of countries that will receive vaccine donations: how much they will send to each


President Joe Biden has decided to send millions of laboratory-made vaccines to the United States (Reuters photo)
President Joe Biden has decided to send millions of laboratory-made vaccines to the United States (Reuters photo)

The government of United States announced on Tuesday a new batch of donated coronavirus vaccines as part of its global plan to help the countries hardest hit by the pandemic. As the White House reports, Guatemala will receive 1.5 million doses Moderna vaccine and will thus become the eighth Latin American country to receive inoculants from the Joe Biden administration.

In recent months, the United States has donated 1.5 million vaccines from the Moderna laboratory in Salvador, another 1.5 million in Honduras, also from Moderna; 1.3 million from Johnson & Johnson in Mexico, 3 million doses of Johnson & Johnson in Brazil, 2 million Pfizer in Peru; 2.5 million from Johnson & Johnson in Colombia and 2 million Pfizer in Ecuador. But, so far, no specific announcement has been made regarding Argentina.

Donations to El Salvador and Honduras were sent through the World Health Organization (WHO) COVAX platform, while those to Guatemala and the rest of the countries were drop shipments from the United States.

For its part, Alberto Fernández’s government has yet to sign vaccine supply agreements with the three laboratories that produce the vaccines donated by the White House. In addition, so far only Pfizer has ANMAT approval – last December – for emergency use. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have yet to get the green light from the body that regulates the safety of medical products.

However, legal obstacles to the advancement of negotiations between the Argentine state and North American laboratories attempted to be corrected last Friday. by a decree signed by President Alberto Fernández the highlights of which were the creation of a COVID-19 repair fund, the removal of the word “negligence” from the vaccine law, the replacement of the terms “fraudulent maneuvers and malicious behavior” by “malicious conduct” and the immunity of State property.

The Pfizer laboratory had argued that the legal framework established by the vaccine law approved by Congress left it exposed to possible criminal complaints and therefore proposed a reform of the text. Something that was initially rejected by the national government.

The new decree, which mainly aims to unblock negotiations with Pfizer, It will also allow the arrival of vaccines via the COVAX Fund, which had not been possible until now due to the same legal obstacles.

In addition to the 80 million doses the Joe Biden administration announced it would give to countries around the world earlier this year, the White House reported last month that will also distribute approximately 500 million Pfizer vaccines for free among 92 low- and middle-income countries, according to the COVAX list. Argentina is among the countries that have joined the initiative, but it is considered that it can afford the purchase of the vaccines itself.

Let’s be clear: as with the 80 million doses we announced earlier, The United States provides these 500 million doses without conditions. I repeat: without conditions ”, assured the President of the United States.

“Our vaccine donations do not include pressure for favors or possible concessions. We are doing it to save lives, to end this pandemic. That’s all. And that’s it, ”Biden added in a clear message to the vaccine distribution policy promoted by the Chinese regime of Xi Jinping and Russia.


US announces donation of 500 million Pfizer vaccines: which countries will receive them

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