The impressive reincarnation of the Pollock twins


Ian Stevenson was a psychiatrist Canadian (died in 2007 at the age of 89) who devoted himself to research – during over 40 years– about a few 3000 cases children with memories of Past lives.

As the theme of reincarnation is controversial, it is important to note that Stevenson He worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine for fifty years. He was chairman of the department of psychiatry from 1957 to 1967, as well as professor of psychiatry at Carlson from 1967 to 2001 and professor-researcher from 2002 until his death. I mean, a charlatan, it was not.

Pictured is psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, who documented this astonishing case in one of his posts. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

In his book Casos on reincarnation in Europe (2003), described one of the most impressive: the alleged reincarnation of the Gemelas Pollock.

In May 1957, in the small town of Hexham in England, Joanna pollock, 11 years old, and her younger sister, Jacquelinesix of them went to church with their friend Antoine. Unfortunately, the children did not reach their destination because they were run over.

The two sisters died almost instantly. Anthony, only nine years old, deceased on the way to the hospital.

It was later discovered that the driver, a woman under the influence of various drugs, had crashed into intentionally the three children and how long had they been apart by force of its own children.

The case then made headlines in the UK and the woman ended up in a hospital. psychiatric hospital.

After the death of Jeanne and Jacqueline, the parents of the daughters, John and Florence Pollock, they were devastated.

It was the news of the crash that appeared in the Daily Mirror (Photo: Psi-Encyclopedia)

But when Florence returned Pregnant, Jean was convinced about what the two girls would be reborn in the family like twins.

The couple, who was devout Catholic, often debated on the premise of the reincarnation, Yes Florence rejected John’s beliefs vigorously. It was later reported that Florence almost applied for the divorced since the whole situation is violates their faith and that left her in a very awkward position.

In addition, they had no history of twins in the family of two, and the doctor by Florence predicts only one birth, which meant that the likelihood of twins was nearly impossible.

However, Against all odds, Florence give birth to twins on October 4, 1958. The girls were named Gillian and Jennifer.

Although the drinks were identical, the couple had different brands of birth, which is considered very unusual.

Jennifer had a small stain on the left hip, which looked a lot (if not identical) to a birthmark that had Jacqueline, the 6-year-old girl who died in the accident. He also had another birthmark on the front, which looked like a small scar that Jacqueline I had at the same place.

Pictured are twins Gillian and Jennifer Pollock. (Photo: Psi-Encyclopedia)

As the girls grew older it became clear that Gillian Yes Jennifer they seemed call back Hexham in detail, despite not having grown in the small town.

The family returned to Hexham when the girls were four, the twins they pointed and named landmarks that do not had already seen, as the school which they attended Jeanne and Jacqueline, Hexham Abbey and a playground that adored their deceased sisters. The twins even seemed to know the way to the playground without ever having visited it; according to their parents told.

Likewise, the couple of sisters were able to identify the toys of their deceased sisters by their respective names.

Even if Florence kept the toys of the deceased girls out of sight, the twins began to ask that they would come back some toys. In fact, it seemed that the girls remembered toys like clean.

They even divided the toys just like her sisters did. They also brought up the fact that the toys were Christmas gifts, which was true.

Florence and Jean they also noticed that the twins had personalities very similar compared to their older sisters.

While Jeanne she was very protective of her younger sister Jacqueline, Gillian She looked more mature than her twin sister. Parents also noted that they appreciated the same games Yes food than his sisters.

During the first years of the twins’ life, Florence continued with your rejection to the suggestions of John that his deceased daughters were “They had reincarnated”. However, after finding the twins talk about the car accidentchange radically notice.

Once, Florence heard the girls in a macabre game in which they recreated their sisters’ accident. Gillian rocked the head of Jennifer, saying to him: “The blood comes out of your eyes. This is where you crushed the car”.

On another occasion, Gillian showed Jennifer’s birthmark on her forehead and said, “That’s the mark Jennifer got when she fell into a bucket.”

When the Pollock twins turned five, memories of their “past lives” began to fade. slowly fade.

Gillian later had visions or memories of herself while playing in a sandbox in a house in Whickham. Although the girl had never been to this city, she could perfectly describe the House and the Court which coincided with the house in which Jeanne once lived with his parents at four years.

While the case of the Pollock twins has long been cited as “proof” of reincarnation, skeptics argue that the twins’ memories may have been influenced by their four older brothers.


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