England: cases of “prolonged covid” could increase among young people


The calls Long-term covid cases will skyrocket among England’s youngest when restrictions are lifted to fight the remaining coronavirus, warned the English medical director.

Chris Whitty said that while expects death toll to be “much lower” proportionally to previous waves, the incidence of protracted covid cases remains “a concern”.

“Given that there are a lot of cases of covid right now and the rates are going up, I’m sorry to say that I think we will have a lot of cases of extended covid, especially some of the higher ones. young people, where vaccination rates are currently much lower ”he said Tuesday during the virtual conference of the Association of Local Governments.

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Prolonged covid refers to a wide range of health conditions suffered by people who have contracted the virus and which can persist for months after infection, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and cognitive impairment.

Whitty said the UK needs to ‘push with all its might’ to reduce coronavirus rates and ensure everyone gets vaccinated to avoid a large increase in protracted covid cases. Too urged people not to wait for a quick return to normal after restrictions are lifted, and said he would be “surprised” if Britain returned to “the status quo” by next spring.

On Monday, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, has announced plans to end social distancing and capacity limits at sites in England from July 19, but the final decision will be made next week.

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