UK reportedly reaching 100,000 daily Covid-19 cases – Summary 3


UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said Daily UK coronavirus cases reportedly hit 100,000 due to new ‘coexistence’ strategy with it, which begins July 19 when health restrictions are lifted.

“The cases are increasing, we have gone from 1,000 in hard quarantine to 30,000 and it is assumed that we are going to have 100,000,” he said. Channel 3 Doctor of Virology Jesica Levingston Macleod.

In addition, revealed that “the decision to open is linked to economic pressure caused by Brexit and Covid-19”.

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“For now the death toll is 20 per day and the number of beds has been maintained,” he said, adding: “But we know that it takes three weeks for the increase in cases result in deaths and hospitalizations “.

Regarding the restrictions in the country, he said that “today, it is requested that a chin strap be used even if one is vaccinated and that there are travel restrictions”.

“They are going to leave some recommendations,” he said of the restrictions being lifted on July 19.

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He also spoke of the spread of the Delta variant: “Most of the population has received a dose of the vaccine and these people are known to be infected, but they are expected to have mild symptoms,” he said. he declared.

“There is always 60% effectiveness with one dose, with two the results are better,” he continued, adding: “This is why the UK is trying to speed up vaccination so that the more large amount has the second dose. “.

The scientist also mentioned the use of two vaccines from different laboratories: “The problem is that Russia has a way to regulate adverse events and signal that they do not adhere to global scientific methodsThis is why it is difficult to do experiments with other laboratories such as AstraZeneca and Pfizer “, he warned.

However, he explained that having “the Sputnik V vaccine has two different components, it gives the idea that two techniques are mixed and that it works well”.

Interview with Fernando Genesir


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