He is in so much pain that he asks to be put in a coma


A 14-year-old boy with severe eczema pleaded that bring him into a coma to escape the pain of his skin disease. Barney Rae, from Bristol, UK, was diagnosed last year and the eczema left him covered from head to toe with an itch that doesn’t go away. are you sleepingr. Despite trying many different remedies – some of which his 50-year-old mother, Miranda said, left it looking like an acid attack – Barney continues to suffer and tells his mother he can’t take the pain anymore.

Mom is now desperate to help her son get back to normal and is fundraising for urgent and fast treatment that soothes her skin once and for all. Miranda told UK newspaper Metro: “Barney is on edge. He just wants to fall asleep and wake up when the eczema is gone. He even told me that he wanted to be put in an induced coma because the pain is so intense. intense. ”And the woman added,“ It’s got to a point where he’s too scared to sleep. He unwittingly scratches himself when he sleeps and wakes up bleeding from head to toe. “

The woman says the past 10 months have been “torture” for Barney, due to his lack of sleep and even blaming himself for his skin problems. “It’s heartbreaking to see my son go through this,” he said. Because Barney is allergic to many ingredients in the treatments, he struggled to find relief for the itchy, chapped skin. Prescription creams also left him flushed and in excruciating pain, and long waiting lists at UK public hospitals mean the family is now looking for private options and has launched a charity fundraising campaign.

Miranda said her son hasn’t had eczema on his face so far, which is everywhere. “We put bandages on him to help him stop scratching, but one night he was shaking and bleeding from the neck down, saying he couldn’t believe what had happened to him- even, “he said. “Due to exhaustion, he doesn’t realize he’s itchy and scratched until he’s bleeding. It is a completely uncontrollable urge. is different, ”Hill.

Eczema is characterized by redness and inflammation of the skin. Scratching leads to the formation of scabs and also causes dryness of the skin and its consequent flaking.

The causes of eczema are not precisely known, although there is a genetic factor linked to an alteration in the immune system that compromises the body’s protective skin barrier function.

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