Chavist dictatorship fails to control Caracas: criminal gangs attacked National Guard headquarters, 8 dead already


Criminal gangs attacked GNB headquarters in El Paraíso

Violence is increasing and armed clashes in Caracas, which has so far killed eight – including two police officers –. This Thursday afternoon, the criminal gangs confronting the security forces They attacked the headquarters of the General Command of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) in El Paraíso, in the Venezuelan capital.

The event was recorded in a video recorded from inside the military headquarters. In the footage, several soldiers are hiding behind barricades made of sandbags, and dozens of gunfire can be heard.

The attack was carried out by the gang led by Carlos Luis Revete, alias “Koki”, for whom the Chavist authorities are offering a reward of half a million dollars, as well as for Garbis Ochoa Ruíz, alias “El Galvis”, and by Carlos Calderón Martínez, alias “El Vampi”.

“These have gotten out of hand”he told the agency AFP subject to a police officer, protected in Heaven, where is the general command of the National Guard, a military organ in charge of public order.

The Special Action Forces (FAES), for their part, managed to reach the top of Cota 905, the area where the clashes began on Wednesday, and they took “La Gallera”, the place where Koki, Garbis and Vampi used to have their parties.

Criminal gangs set fire to the entrance to the Hotel Novo in El Paraíso, near the National Guard headquarters

A new clash between police and criminal gangs has been recorded in the Venezuelan capital since Wednesday, with a death toll of at least eight, most from stray bullets, according to local media. After several hours of terror, the authorities announced on Thursday a new “deployment” and recommended the population to “take shelter”.

When night fell in the Venezuelan capital, several users reported on social networks that they cut the power to Cota 905 and part of El Cementerio.

Injured person is assisted by residents of Cota 905

In armored vehicle uniforms, they were stationed early in the deserted streets of El Paraíso, a middle-class neighborhood in western Caracas, adjacent to the Cota 905 neighborhood., where violent gangs operate which, for months, have been organizing shootings against the police.

They did the same in other neighborhoods in western Caracas affected by the violence sown by these criminal organizations.

Criminals “have modern weapons”, he admitted to AFP another officer, who said he was waiting for the “green light” to “clean it up all at once”.

Criminal gangs murdered a young man who was driving a motorbike to Cota 905: the sixth victim since the start of the clashes
Criminal gangs murdered a young man who was driving a motorbike to Cota 905: the sixth victim since the start of the clashes

In the context of these criminal attacks which have intensified since December 2020, the Minister of the Interior and Justice of the Venezuelan dictatorship, Carmen MelendezOn this occasion, he spoke of an “impeccable operation” with more than 1,400 officials which made 38 detainees.

This Thursday, the official announced “the deployment of a new operation of protection and safeguard” with the inhabitants of five large sectors of Caracas affected by the unleashed crime. “State security agencies continue to be deployed in areas raped by these criminals and will not rest until they regain absolute control (..) The call is to stay safe , to maintain calm and confidence in our institutions “he wrote on Twitter.

Dozens of people call for an end to armed clashes in Caracas

“We warmly thank the people in uniform, our heroes and heroines of the Citizen Security and Peace organizations, who, putting their fear on their backs, once again demonstrate their vocation of service to protect and safeguard the families of our Homeland (. ..) A new demonstration of the conscience, of the historical force and of the loyalty of a people who love Peace and who do not kneel before the demands of isolated criminal groups which sow violence, hatred and violence. terror in our communities “, the chavist minister wrote a few hours later, in a message shared on his social networks by the dictator Maduro.

Despite the danger of walking the streets of Caracas, Today, the inhabitants of the Cota 905 district mobilized with pots and pans to demand the cessation of hostilities.

Juan Guaidó shared a shocking photo of one of the victims of this new armed confrontation in Caracas (jguaido)
Juan Guaidó shared a shocking photo of one of the victims of this new armed confrontation in Caracas (jguaido)

Various videos posted on social networks they show dozens of people walking through the streets knocking on pots. In one of them you can see three people carrying a child who was injured in the head. For the moment, the state of health of the minor is not known.

A member of the criminal gangs walks in the middle of the street with a gun in his hand (jguaido)
A member of the criminal gangs walks in the middle of the street with a gun in his hand (jguaido)

The Acting President Juan Guaido He said Caracas on Thursday became “a war zone” again, with the fear of people “to leave their homes as a result of the unpunished action of armed gangs”. “These gangs were armed and justified by the dictatorship as ‘zones of peace’ for social control. Today they are the total absence of control which endangers the life of all and reflects the kidnapping and the absence of the State in daily life ”.

“Will the armed forces continue in parades and exhibitions or will they play their part?” Will he continue to cede the land and defend the criminals or will he exercise sovereignty and enforce the constitution? Added the Leader of the Opposition.

In recent hours, at least two police officers have been injured, according to a medical source. In Venezuela, there are no official figures on violence in general, let alone on deaths caused by these clashes. The country recorded 12,000 deaths in acts of violence in 2020 according to the NGO Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia (OVV), a rate of 45.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, seven times higher than the world average.

Read on:

Violence continues in Caracas and armed clashes multiply: there are already six dead and one child injured

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