The terror of Belgian MPs: software monitors them and tags them on Twitter every time they use their mobile phone in the middle of a sitting


Belgian MEPs now have to think twice before using their mobile phones in the middle of sessions, which are broadcast live on YouTube. Since Monday, a machine monitors them and sends them a message on Twitter, which all users of the social network can read, each time they use their mobile phone.

The software searches for phones and tries to identify distracted politicians, using artificial intelligence. The results are then share on social networks with the member tagged in the post.

The message that officials receive says “Dear distracted – person’s name – please concentrate”.

The project, baptized Flemish voltigeurs, was carried out by the Belgian visual artist Drying deposit, expert in confidentiality and artificial intelligence.

“I have always liked showing the risk of new technologies and what we think of them”, Depoorter told the newspaper The country from Spain.

The software detects when a politician is using his laptop from his seat, but no what do you see. The artist revealed to the Spanish media that he is work to find out which application the “fish” politicians use according to the movement of their fingers. “Twitter and Instagram are in a downward movement. This is the next step and it is possible to do it, but I have to try it. Writing can also be a clue, ”he said, according to The country.

To develop the software, Depoorter loaded the faces of the deputies into the system from different angles. The program is prepared for throw tablets and computers into the hands of MPs as they can be used as work tools. “In theory, they can also take notes on a cell phone,” admitted the artist.

There is still no certainty that the program is working perfectly since it started to be used only three days ago. The project has already detected at least six politicians with cell phones, But only four were tagged in Twitter posts.


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