They found 14 other bodies in the rubble of the Miami building | The dead rise to 78 and there are 62 missing


Fourteen bodies were found in the last hours among the rubble of the Champlain Tours, the building of Miami which collapsed on June 24. Thus, the death toll rises to 78. Meanwhile, there are 62 people who are still missing.

On the other hand, 47 of those identified have already been notified by the authorities. In this regard, Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said every victim “is treated with extreme caution and compassion”.

In this sense, the rescue teams preserve personal items found among the remains of the building, such as jewelry, cell phones, wallets. Thus, relatives of the deceased can submit reports on the personal items of their relatives to recover them.

The building had just turned forty years since its inauguration, and for so many years it had to face a technical overhaul. A 2018 report noted that there could be risks of a collapse. The collapse occurred at dawn, in the early hours of June 24, with the bulk of the occupants in their apartments.

On this last day, two weeks after the building collapsed, rescue groups held a minute’s silence in tribute to the victims. Thus, it was assumed that the search is not aimed at finding survivors. “We made the extremely difficult decision to move from search and rescue to recovery,” said the mayor, very excited.

“Our hearts break for those who mourn and those who are still waiting,” added Levine Cava. “Our commitment to this mission is deeply personal. It’s our community, it’s our neighbors and our families, ”he said. And he pointed out that first responders “have been digging through this pile (of rubble) every day since the collapse as if they were looking for their own loved ones.”


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