Woman summons her rapist to a hotel and murdered him


The terrible plot of a criminality in Honduras, he left the whole country speechless. It is that -as in a Hollywood film-, an 18-year-old girl, who had been the victim of sexual abuse in her childhood, met her attacker (51 years) in a Hotel housing, and shot him down.

The event took place last Sunday, in Olanchito. According to local media, the couple entered hotel accommodation after 6:50 p.m. After more than two hours, a series of gunshots alarmed the local workers, so they decided to go and see what had happened.

When they got ready to watch the rooms, one of them had the door ajar. Upon entering, they found the body of the man – identified as Martín Adonay Carbajal – naked and completely bloody. In addition, they also found the weapon that had been fired at him.

After calling the police and inspecting the scene, officers found the Women who accompanied the man hidden in a grocery store, for which she was arrested. In the middle of questioning, the woman confessed that she assaulted the man because he raped her when she was a child and had never been imprisoned.

According to the media in that country, the man was shot three times in the body, including one in the head.

Officers from the Directorate of Police Investigations (DPI) inspected the room in the motel where the crime occurred and recovered the victim’s clothes as evidence, as well as the pistol, which they will confirm whether it belongs to. Mártir Adonay Carbajal Sabillón. They also found three cartridge cases on the ground.

The man’s body has been transferred to forensic medicine in La Ceiba. Yesterday, the DPI was preparing the investigation report to refer Lisvy Dayana Alen Bardales to the prosecutor’s office, who will determine whether they charge the woman with the crime.

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