The Economist ranked Argentina at the bottom of its “global normalcy index”


Almost five hundred days after the start of the coronavirus epidemic, the British weekly The Economist placed Argentina at the bottom of its “global normalcy index” which measures the level of activity recorded within the framework of the coronavirus pandemic in the main economies of the world.

“Business did not return to normal in any of the countries we monitored. China’s reading briefly returned to pre-pandemic levels during its Lunar New Year celebrations in February, in part due to record box office earnings, but the country now has a mid-range. noted The Economist in the report where it indicated the index covering 50 of the world’s largest economies, which together represent the 90% of global GDP and 76% of the population.

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the “Global normality index” measures the level of activity around consumption, time away from home, office use, flights, recreation, sports and public transport, among others. This is an assessment concerning how is each nation and its level of activity, a year and a half after the Covid-19 epidemic.

“The Global Normality Index fell in March 2020 when many countries imposed drastic restrictions on their citizens. It fell to just 35 in April 2020, before gradually improving over the following months, ”British media reported on the index led by Hong Kong and New Zealand respectively.

As, Argentina is in 45th place, only surpassed in its “bad assessment” by Vietnam, Chile, India, Taiwan and Malaysia, in that order. Regionally, Mexico comes in first, 10th, followed by Colombia 29. Brazil does a little better than Argentina and ranks 37th, while Peru is 42nd. What is striking is the case with the world’s leading power, the United States. , which was at step 20 despite the progress made in terms of vaccination.

The end of the pandemic

Is the world coming back to life before the pandemic?

It is already common to hear about “Old normality”, associated with life before the pandemic declared as such in March 2020 by the World Health Organization. However, according to the report it is not yet clear whether things will go back to how they were before. “Remote working looks set to continue, for example, and going to the movies may never be as popular as it used to be,” he warned.

Currently, the “normal” for activity levels before the pandemic is 66 according to the weekly’s publication, suggesting that the world is roughly halfway through its life before the epidemic. “Some indicators, such as traffic jams and time spent outdoors, have recovered faster than others, including sports assistance and theft,” he concluded.


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