This is how the contraceptive vaccine for men works


The injectable contraceptive for men is called Vasalgel (Photo: File)
The injectable contraceptive for men is called Vasalgel (Photo: File)

The men had few contraceptive options, but soon this could change thanks to the injection Vasalgel. This is added to the male condom and vasectomy.

The injection is placed near the testes and is known as RISUG (Reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance) for its acronym in English, which means reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance.

But its use is not so simple since the injection must be performed by a professional team and under local anesthesia. The the application is near the genitals, but the procedure takes about 15 minutes.

The injection composed of polymers is applied into the vas deferens, which is responsible for transporting sperm. At the end of the procedure, the gel remains fixed and creates a plug in the ducts to prevent the sperm from escaping.

Its effects are reversible (Photo; EFE / EPA / MOHAMED MESSARA)
Its effects are reversible (Photo; EFE / EPA / MOHAMED MESSARA)

The duration of the effect is about 13 years, but there is the possibility to discontinue its effects at any time. This is done by applying a solution that dissolves the gel so that the flow of semen is regular again.

In december 2019 the Parsemus Foundation asked the public to help with donations to help complete the development of the injection.

“More than 85 million unintended pregnancies occur each year around the world; half ends in abortion. Men who are not dependent on their partners for contraception have few options: condoms, vasectomy, abstinence or abstinence. We are developing a new option: Vasalgel, ”he said in a statement.

The company said its mission is to provide men with the first effective, long-term, and reversible option to control their fertility.

The injection should be done by an expert (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Nicholls)
The injection should be done by an expert (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Nicholls)

“We hope you share our belief that Vasalgel will benefit millions of people around the world. Please donate to support the development of Vasalgel, ”he added.

Plans for its distribution were for last year, however, the pandemic has delayed its arrival. At the moment, it is not known when it will be available in Mexico, but it has been announced that the testing phase has ended, so its distribution could be closer and closer. Some estimates estimate that it could cost as much as $ 150.

In November 2019, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) said it was ready to revolutionize reproductive health around the world.

Hindustan times revealed that ICMR, the leading body dedicated to biomedical research in this country, announced that successfully completed clinical trials of the world’s first injectable contraceptive, targeting sexually active men.

It is not yet known when he will arrive in Mexico (Photo: EFE / EPA / JEON HEON-KYUN)
It is not yet known when he will arrive in Mexico (Photo: EFE / EPA / JEON HEON-KYUN)

The ICMR must present to the health authorities of the countries in which it intends to market the new contraceptive the extended phase three clinical tests that have been applied to 303 candidates, the methodology of the tests carried out and the results obtained, among which a “97.3% success rate with no reported side effects”.

Dr Anup Kumar, head of the urology and kidney transplant department at Safdarjung Hospital, said it was possible that injectable contraceptives could overtake vasectomy in popularity.

“Non-surgical procedures are always preferred because they are safer and less invasive. More men are likely to choose them, ”he said.


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