Daniel Ortega’s daughter, who accused him of sexual abuse: “In Nicaragua we will see more crimes”


Less than four months before the presidential elections and in the midst of a political crisis that knows no limits, the adopted daughter of the President of Nicaragua, Daniel ortega He said his parents “can be capable of anything” in order to retain power. “We will see more crimes, but resistance has risen, ”he said. Zoilamérica Narváez Murillo, who accused the president of sexual abuse and rape in 1998.

Zoilamérica, who went into exile in Costa Rica after the complaint against his stepfather and President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, assured that he and his mother, Vice President Rosario Murillo, “they will play life” as long as I stay in power. “It is important for the international community to recognize that, in the face of these dictatorships, diplomacy cannot work through declarations”the 53-year-old said in an interview with the agency AFP.

What is happening in Nicaragua and why they repudiate the government of Daniel Ortega

Nicaraguan institutional order bleeds to death as elections draw near hand of endless president complaints of human rights violations and political persecution. In addition, he received an international conviction after the imprisonment of 26 opposition leaders, including six presidential candidates, accusing them of plotting to overthrow the government with the help of the United States.

“To keep public opinion captive, they have to recreate the scenario of the 1990s, which is war, and that’s why they talk about imperialism and the CIA paying for the opposition,” said Rosario Murillo’s daughter, who often calls her “ungrateful”. In addition, he added that the presidential couple seeks to bring the conflict and repression “to a maximum level”, because in the “The war scene is where they play best”.

Daniel Ortega Rosario Murillo
Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

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Originally from Costa Rica, Zoilamérica immersed herself fully in the politics of her native country and drew a parallel between the sexual abuse and rapes she suffered by Ortega and the complicity of her mother Murillo, with the political situation in the country of Central America. “The forms of persecution I experienced today are repeated. My complaint was the first proof of what (her parents) could be capable of.”, the woman condemned and added: “The first element of the abuse had to do with a deep manipulation of a daughter. The mirage of a protective father who at the same time assaults and mistreats you is the same as the Nicaraguan society has lived. ”

Narváez Murillo thus compared the moment of his complaint in 1998 against the current president of Nicaragua with the “awakening of the people” in 2018, twenty years later, when the government violently and illegally suppressed the demonstrations and the international community began to observe more closely. “There, his destructive capacity and his criminal side were known,” said the woman, who claims her mother is her “main persecutor”.

Nicaraguan President defends arrests, criticizes US

Regarding the climate of tension over the presidential elections, Zoilamérica condemned the persecution and imprisonment of opposition leaders, including the president Christian, daughter of the former president Violeta chamorro who succeeded Ortega as President in 1990. “Cristiana represents for the people “yes it could”. This symbolism is one that they needed not only to remove from the public eye, but also to eliminate it from the consciousness of Nicaraguans. “he said, adding that “To transform the heroes of the civic struggle into criminals is to take away this symbolic message which moralizes and gives hope.”

Finally, Zoilamérica commented that what worries him the most are not the elections but how his parents can isolate Nicaragua as a country and generate blockades “which in the long term will have the people as victims”, because Ortega “Will not care. a hostage country. “Asked about a hypothetical scenario of Ortega leaving government due to international pressure, the woman was frank:”They, of their own free will, do not go out. “

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Who is Daniel Ortega, the President condemned by the international community

Daniel Ortega, 75, is a former guerrilla who ruled from 1979 to 1990. Defeated in the elections by Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, he returned to power in 2007 with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), and remained there after two successive re-elections. Rosario Murillo, 70, is the mother and current vice president of Zoilamérica. His opponents believe that he will run for a fourth term in the November 7 elections.

Ortega is accused by the opposition and the international community of governing in an authoritarian manner, after the brutal repression of protests against his administration in 2018, which left more than 300 dead, 2,000 injured and 100,000 emigrated to other countries, according to the report. IACHR.


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