Alpha, Gamma and Delta: How many cases of COVID-19 variants have been detected in CDMX


People move through Mexico City's public transit system (Metro) (Photo: EFE)
People move through Mexico City’s public transit system (Metro) (Photo: EFE)

The Mexico suffers from third wave infections and hospitalizations due to COVID-19[feminine. Bien que l’augmentation ne soit pas aussi alarmante qu’au début de 2021, notamment des décès, les autorités sanitaires ont fait part de leur s’inquiéter par la propagation de nouvelles variantes du SRAS-CoV-2.

Ce samedi en conférence de presse, Olivia Lopez Arellano, secrétaire à la Santé du CDMX, a souligné que dans la capitale du pays ils sont déjà présents au moins trois variantes : Alfa (Royaume-Uni), Gamma (Brésil) et Delta (Inde), cette dernière étant celle qui mérite le plus d’attention en raison de sa facilité de transmission.

Il a précisé que jusqu’au dernier rapport, il n’y a 12 cas détectés de ces variantes, qui sont surveillées par le Institut national de médecine génomique et Institut de diagnostic et de référence épidémiologiques (Interne).

(Capture d'écran : Twitter)
(Capture d’écran : Twitter)

« Les trois sont préoccupants. Les deux premiers (Alpha et Gamma) sont présents vers la semaine 20-21, de la semaine épidémiologique ; et le Delta, le souci est qu’il peut se déplacer très rapidement, une fois qu’il est identifié dans une zone par la capacité de transport il peut déplacer le reste […] About 12 cases continue in our hospitals, including six that had been identified and six more that were added to the Delta variant. Remember that sequencing is not done on all samples but only on a fraction of them “

López Arellano has confirmed that the increasingly infected population is in the age group of 30 to 50 years, although the greatest number of deaths associated with COVID-19 prevails in the group of people over 60 years of age. “It is the proportion which increases, of those which arrive at the hospital but this group does not die”, he said.

Therefore, he appealed to maintain contagion prevention measures, while analyzing whether available vaccines are effective against variants that have been identified.

Healthcare workers apply rapid tests for covid-19 (Photo: EFE)
Healthcare workers apply rapid tests for covid-19 (Photo: EFE)

There was also an increase in the number of people who came test the disease in the kiosks that the City has set up; number of minors who submits to it.

In this sense, the manager indicated that out of the 12,500 daily tests, they were detected between 5 and 7 positive cases in children; but he stressed that this was a minimum percentage of the total and said It is not a new phenomenon.

It is worth mentioning that there four cases of hospitalized minors for COVID-19 in CDMX, although López Arellano said they were more linked to co-morbidities, particularly morbid obesity.

Finally, he mentioned that due to the great demand for tests that generate long queues, it is analyzed whether they will increase next week, since the kiosks have the capacity to make up to 22 thousand.

Man receives dose of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine in Mexico City (Photo: Reuters)
Man receives dose of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine in Mexico City (Photo: Reuters)

For its part, Eduardo Clark, Director General of the Digital Government of the Digital Agency, assured that this year all the inhabitants from Mexico City, who have 18 years and over, they will have at least one dose COVID-19 vaccine.

“We’re pretty sure that this year and long before any adult in the city, whose vaccines are fully licensed right now, will have the opportunity to get the shot.”

He noted that he hopes the number of people who decide not to be vaccinated is minimal.

Therefore, he appealed to all the population to apply the biologist that corresponds to them and it is that he said “I hope that over time they will realize that the vaccine is safe, that the vaccine prevents death, prevents infections.”


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