They capture Jaimes Gersaín Mendivelso, a Colombian accused of recruiting mercenaries in Haiti


Colombian mercenaries in Haiti.  Photo: (Colprensa Externos)
Colombian mercenaries in Haiti. Photo: (Colprensa Externos)

Jaime Gersain Mendivelso He was captured with two other Haitian Americans for participating in the assassination of the island’s head of state, shot dead on July 7 at night, at his home.

Haitian Police confirmed Mendivelso’s arrest, who, according to the newspaper El Heraldo, served as a nurse at the Naval Hospital of Cartagena, a 42-year-old retired soldier, who allegedly helped recruit other mercenaries.

The Haitian authorities assured that the capture was possible thanks to the collaboration of the population, in order to have these “thugs” under their control and to present them before the Court to answer for their acts.

So far there are 20 people captured for allegedly participating in the assassination, 18 of them of Colombian nationality, two Haitians, three others who were killed and five who are still at large.

Jaimes Gersain Mendivelso would be mentioned in the WhatsApp chats of the other captured, for this reason it is presumed that his role, if he is guilty, This would have been linked to the coordination of the group of other mercenaries.

According to Semana magazine, the military mentions “Mendivelso” in a WhatsApp group, only by his last name, who was a person located in the Dominican Republic and with whom the people who wanted to participate in the operation should contact.

So far, according to preliminary information, It is alleged that these 26 Colombian ex-servicemen were contacted via a WhatsApp group, which is said to be led by Colonel (r) Carlos Giovanny Guerrero, who were offered $ 2,700 per month for five months.

In addition to Gersaín Mendivelso, other people captured are:

Víctor Albeiro Pineda

Manuel Antonio Grosso

John Jairo Ramirez G

Alejandro Giraldo Zapata

Born Franco Castañeda

Angel Mario Yarce Sierra

Carlos Giovani Guerrero Torres

Francisco Eladio Uribe Ochoa

Jhon Jairo Suárez Alegria

Enalbert Vargas Gomez

The two Colombians who were neutralized were: Duberney Capador Giraldo and Mauricio Javier Romero Medina.

Another investigation that was carried out regarding the homicide is that, according to information published by the Haitian media, Dimitri Hérard, President Moïse’s security chief, has recorded several departures from the country with stops in Bogotá and bound for Ecuador. According to the authorities of the Haitian country, he is the first man to have his eyes riveted on him, because it is not known why the president managed to be assassinated without any man in the security system being injured or injured.

Authorities revealed that Hérard traveled to Colombia, according to airline records, on Avianca flight number 0209, then took another course in Quito, where he stayed for a few days, returning on May 29 on Avianca flight number 0208 to the Dominican Republic. This tour, by the president’s security chief, took place just five days after the flight that the majority of Colombians took on June 4, who traveled to Port-au-Prince, via Punta Cana.

In addition, the newspaper Le Nouvelliste stressed that one of the judges assured that two mercenaries indicated that they had found the job online and that the mission was to kidnap the president, but not to kill him. In addition, they posed as DEA agents and it was pointed out that some mercenaries lived in the president’s house, as a security loophole that allowed the homicide.

While the Colombian authorities have expressed their willingness to collaborate in investigations and bring those responsible to justice; The President of the Dominican Republic Luis Abinade, according to the newspaper Hoy of that country, called for greater support from the international community.


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