Gobernadora del Valle asked for a lifeline for EPS debt of $ 458,000 million


Clara Luz Roldán governor of Valle del Cauca.
Clara Luz Roldán governor of Valle del Cauca.

On July 11, we learned that the governor of Valle de Cauca, Clara Luz Roldán, had asked President Iván Duque, who visits the department, it is necessary that the government deliver two life jackets to the department.

According to the governor, the resources are necessary for the hospital network and the economic sector for businesses and entrepreneurship, as the pandemic crisis worsened with the blockages during the national strike.

During the day of ‘Regional Dialogues ‘Social Investment Project’, where the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit was located, the governed said there is a deficit in PSE.

Mr President, I must raise the need to take urgent life-saving measures for the health sector due to the severe impact on the loss of health care, increasing costs and decreasing income, generating a serious financial imbalance in the public network. hospital.

“In addition, health providers (EPS) owe the network 446,000 million pesos and for vaccination 12,000 million,” the president told Iván Duque.

He said the situation was worsening due to the service provided to Venezuelans and that its cost reached 92,000 million pesos, to which is added the labor debt, which, as of June 2021, stood at 100,000 million pesos. pesos, while that with suppliers is 330,000 million.

He added that the situation is aggravated by a portfolio of services provided to the migrant population of 92,000 million pesos, the labor debt which in June 2021 is 100,000 million and debts to suppliers, 330,000 million.

The governor insisted that a plan to rebuild the social and economic fabric of southwest Colombia be created.. For this, the president said that it is necessary to create incentives for businessmen and entrepreneurs such as freezing or more time to pay interest on loans or other aid.

The economic situation of the health system is so serious that a few days ago the workers of the Tomás Uribe Uribe hospital, from Tuluá, who, for lack of payment of their salaries, announced their entry into a permanent assembly.

This was confirmed by Rodolfo Borja, president of the hospital union, who stressed that the EPS owes the institution a sum close to 90 million pesos, each, for which he requested the intervention of the departmental authorities.

“There is over $ 80,000 million that EPS owes us, specialists and factory workers are owed two months, factory workers one month, not to mention the mid-year bonus is not due. been perceived “added.

Likewise, he said that the occupation of intensive care units in Tomás Uribe Uribe has already reached 100 percent and that, despite his commitment, the head of the departmental administration, Clara Luz RoldanHe no longer sent resources or intensive care beds. In this sense, he said that, “We demand, Madam Governor, that you look after us, whether you come to Tuluá or we go to Cali.”

It should be noted, however, that the rally does not imply a halt to the operations of health workers, at least for now. As Borja explained, this is a first warning, but it won’t last long, because “We will be at the assembly until Tuesday, but if the governor or the health secretary does not sit down with us and offer us solutions, we will be forced to close the front door.”, which would be detrimental to the center and north of the department, which directs patients to this establishment.


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