Photos of Pope Francis with patients and healthcare staff at the hospital where he is recovering from his operation


The Pope with a nurse at Gemelli Hospital in Rome (Vatican Media via REUTERS)
The Pope with a nurse at Gemelli Hospital in Rome (Vatican Media via REUTERS)

This Sunday they spread new photos of Pope Francis from the hospital where he has been hospitalized for a week after having had colon surgery.

The photos show the pontiff as, seated in a wheelchair, greet the medical staff of the Gemelli hospital in Rome and other people admitted to the medical center.

Greeting from Francis to a nun (Vatican Media via REUTERS)
Greeting from Francis to a nun (Vatican Media via REUTERS)

The photos were published after the pope will pray to the Angelus leaning on the balcony of the hospital and praise health care and the importance of being “accessible to all”.

“In these days of hospitalization, I saw how important a good health service is, accessible to all, like the one in Italy and in other countries. A health system that guarantees good service accessible to all, ”explained Francisco, 84, who was accompanied by several child patients from the hospital’s oncology department..

He also exclaimed: “Health establishments in crisis do not sell …”.

The pontiff also visited some of the admitted patients (Vatican Media via REUTERS)
The pontiff also visited some of the admitted patients (Vatican Media via REUTERS)

The pontiff’s first public appearance after the operation for a problem with colon obstruction took place on Sunday., due to severe diverticulitis which has caused a narrowing of the intestine.

The Pope urged not to “lose this precious good” in reference to public health. And I add: “We have to keep it! And for that we must all fight, because it serves everyone and requires everyone’s contribution ”.

Host a health worker.  The Pontiff underlined the importance of a system of quality and public health (Vatican Media via REUTERS)
Host a health care worker. The Pontiff underlined the importance of a system of quality and public health (Vatican Media via REUTERS)

The Pope wished to express his “appreciation” and his “encouragement to the doctors and to all the health and hospital staff”. And he added: “Let us pray for all the sick, especially for those who are in the most difficult conditions: that no one is left alone, that all receive the anointing of listening, closeness and care.

Dozens of faithful who shouted “Long live the Pope” and “We love you very much” when they saw him settle near the hospital from the first hours. Due to the high temperatures which reached 30 degrees in Rome, several volunteers distributed bottles of water to those present.

The 84-year-old Pope was accompanied by several child patients from the hospital's cancer department.  (Vatican Media via REUTERS)
The 84-year-old Pope was accompanied by several child patients from the hospital’s cancer department. (Vatican Media via REUTERS)

This is not the first time that a pontiff has celebrated Sunday prayers from this Roman hospital. John Paul II was admitted there several times because of his health problems.

In fact, Francis is interned in the same room on the tenth floor of the hospital in Rome where the Polish pope recovered after the attack he suffered in St. Peter’s Square in 1981.. Saint John Paul II was admitted there after his operation for a colon tumor in 1992 and even affectionately called it “Vatican III” because of the number of times he was admitted there. On the tenth floor of the hospital there is a more reserved space which consists of an apartment and a small chapel.

“I have very much felt your closeness and the support of your prayers. Thank you from the heart!”, Francisco said, his voice a little hoarse and a little coughing, also sounding out of breath at times.

After the prayer of the Angelus, the pope also had a thought for Haiti after the assassination of its president, wishing that “the spiral of violence ceases”. On this “Sea Sunday”, dedicated to sailors, he urged “to take care of the health of the seas”, and added: “No more plastic in the sea!

Before ending the traditional ritual, he asked: “Don’t forget to pray for me!”

The Pope during the Angelus from the balcony of the hospital (Vatican Media via REUTERS)
The Pope during the Angelus from the balcony of the hospital (Vatican Media via REUTERS)

The vatican again It was not specified when the Argentine Pope will return to his small residence in Santa Marta, where he occupies a modest T3 of barely 50 m2.

Francisco’s recovery was documented with a short daily health report, an unusual gesture on the part of the Holy See, which is reluctant to comment on the health of this discreet pope. However, this Sunday, no balance was communicated.

(With information from Europa Press and AFP)

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