Terror in the air: he wanted to open the emergency door of the plane in mid-flight and they tied it with duct tape | the Chronicle


In the last few hours, an American tiktoker released a video that sparked controversy. Is that In the pictures you can see how a woman was tied up and gagged with duct tape in first class..

The clip was shot when the social network user got off the flight and walked past the seat the passenger was being held in. You can even hear how she yells at them for help as the crew says goodbye to the rest of the passengers.

Immediately the followers of @ lol.ariee They asked her for an explanation of what they saw and she uploaded more videos revealing it. It all happened on the July 6 American Airlines flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Charlotte, North Carolina.. He had been delayed for at least three hours until he finally left at midnight.

A passenger sparked chaos in mid-flight

Around halfway through the trip, chaos erupted and the hostesses started turning on the lights. “We saw all the flight attendants running back and forth through the corridors, frantically as if they were whispering to each other“said the teenager.

In the meantime, they asked the passengers to remain seated in their seats and prohibited access to the toilets. The plane crew started closing the toilets, grabbing bags from the overhead compartments and wouldn’t say what was going on. It was chaos and no one knew what was going on“He continued.

Finally, the pilot spoke on the intercom, reiterating the request that they remain in their place and referring to “a bad situation on the plane right now”. When they were silent, they started to notice something they hadn’t noticed before. “Then little by little we started to hear more and more cries’“, he underlined.

The airline gave an explanation of what happened

Already when the plane was about to land, a flight attendant explained that a woman with an apparent mental problem “had a seizure and wanted to get off the plane. She was screaming, “I have to get off this plane”, and she walked to the exits and started knocking on doors, saying, “You have to let me get off this plane!” “Said the girl.

For this reason, the crew members intervened. “Guess it took all five flight attendants to overpower her and literally shoot her down. They practically lowered her, put her on the seat and taped her up. It seems to me that they should have another type of protocol for these cases“, condemned the tiktoker.

American Airlines confirmed the incident and said The post office What the woman assaulted and bit a flight attendant after her “tried to open the front door“and was immobilized”for the safety of other customers and our crew“.

Watch full video of woman strapped to her seat with duct tape


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