Pedro Sánchez’s change of cabinet could worsen Spain’s political crisis


President of the government Pedro Sánchez and King Felipe VI pose with the twelve ministers and vice-presidents (Photo: Europa Press)
President of the government Pedro Sánchez and King Felipe VI pose with the twelve ministers and vice-presidents (Photo: Europa Press)

The crisis unleashed in the government of Pedro Sánchez, who kept secret until last Saturday the depth of the changes he would introduce, seems to have started. The Spanish Cabinet was aware of the impending move, but the majority did not know the significance of such modifications in the equipment of the Moncloa.

The president has reorganized his team saying that the priority would be “Consolidate economic recovery and job creation” after the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the questions of the reform come from the style of the renovation. This reorganization does not affect the alliance between the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) of Sánchez and the small radical left party Unidas Podemos, which retains its five portfolios.. The changes only affect some of the 17 members of the PSOE or personalities close to it.

On Friday, during a conversation between Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz, a member of the Spanish Communist Party who was posing as pensioner Pablo Iglesias, the executive partner succeeded in securing the positions of her party and in not letting down any of her leaders.

The justifications for the changes are not enough. Not even when the head of government clarified that the new team scores as much “a generational transmission», Since the average age is 50 instead of the previous 55, and an increase in the presence of women. “This will again make our country a benchmark in terms of gender parity,” said Pedro Sánchez.

Socialism as a whole sought that the 40th Federal Congress of the PSOE, which will be held in mid-October at Valence, is the start of the project with which he would face 2023, a unique year with elections autonomous, municipal Yes general. However, these gestures of change, they tighten internal lines and focus on Pedro Sánchez’s allies to stay in power.

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Photo: Europa Press)
The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Photo: Europa Press)

The impacts in the socialist ranks come from the names of the dismissals. Carmen Calvo, a minister with a strong personality and Joseph Luis Balos, the Minister of Transport and current secretary for the organization of the PSOE (number three of the party), until now they were two columns for the president. Although there have been previews of these pieces, it’s surprising for the gestures. The change of Miquel Iceta from territorial politics to culture and sports has confused the vast majority.

“Calvo, Ábalos and Redondo, an excellent expert in political communication, formed the trident which coordinated the government, the presidency and the party., [es decir] the main trusted people who supported him during the 2017 primaries, ”he said. Pablo simon, professor of political science at Carlos III.

Cornered by the advance of the right, the play includes that the assistant secretary general and spokesperson in Congress, Adriana lastra, focus on the party in these three months until the great socialist convention. The objective is to give it a political revival to counter the rise of the Popular Party and the far right of VOX.

The other big decision is the appointment of Santos Cerdán as Organizing Secretary of the PSOE instead of Joseph Luis Ábalos. The current secretary of Territorial Coordination and Government-PSOE Relations was until now the number two from the former Minister of Transport.

Cerdán is appointed by the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE to lead the controls of an area as sensitive as Organization of the internal party.

The head of the PP, Pablo Casado, harshly challenged the head of government for the management of the pandemic (Photo: Europa Press)
The head of the PP, Pablo Casado, harshly challenged the head of government for the management of the pandemic (Photo: Europa Press)

The changes speak of a renewal, even if it leaves the wounded. Sánchez’s signature is to try out an airy party model he hopes to endorse at the 40th Federal Congress.

However, resistance will be a big challenge. The announced renewal is vast, with the integration of young profiles, a new generation of supporters but not very experienced. In addition, not having changed the alliance with Unidad Podemos is something that, for some, does not decompress the political crisis, even in a pandemic context which is already placing the country in a fifth wave, affecting the recovery sought.

With a government and radicalized socialism for many conservatives, Sánchez and his party hope that European funds will enable them to counter the rise of the People’s Party in recent months, especially after the noisy defeat of the last elections, in particular the rise of Isabel Díaz Ayuso in Madrid.

Read on:

The Popular Party won a large victory in the regional elections in Madrid and Díaz Ayuso will continue as president of the community

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