Copa America has left a new variant of the coronavirus in Brazil


Copa America has left a new variant of the coronavirus in Brazil

The realization of the America Cup at Brazil has resulted in at least one variant of the coronavirus. Genetic sequencing has identified two cases of an unprecedented strain in the country.

Genetic sequencing of samples, i.e. the process of identifying viral strains, carried out by the Adolfo Lutz Institute, identified two cases of variant B.1.621 among 12 tests performed.

The information was revealed by the newspaper State of São Paulo and confirmed by leaf.

Variants have been identified in the state of Mato Grosso and the tests were sent to Adolfo lutz the 6th. The result was known on Saturday July 10th.

Of the 12 sequences performed, the other 10 identified the gamma variant, which was found for the first time in the state of Amazonas.

Folha has revealed that, until last Thursday, the range of strains had only been found in tests carried out for the Copa América.

However, the researchers noted the lack of transparency in the epidemiological information published by Conmebol.

The state of Mato Grosso hosted the teams of Ecuador Yes Colombia, country where type B.1.621 was first identified.

World Health Organization warned of need for increased surveillance of new variant left by Copa América in Brazil

Due to the lack of studies carried out to date, this variant is classified by the World Health Organization as a warning for further monitoring.

Evidence shows changes at positions 484 and 501 of the protein called Peak. Such peculiarities may be associated with a higher transmission potential, but require research.

It is still too early for this statement. Spike protein mutations are features that may be associated with greater transmissibility, depending on the position” Explain Jesem Orellana, investigator of Fiocruz.

In addition, they claim the delay in identifying the new variant, which prevents further study of its dissemination in Brazil.

The Mato Grosso health department said the samples arrived at the state’s central laboratory on the 23rd, but did not say when they were taken or give details of the patient.

It is not known where this case got infected, who may have been its source of infection and how many people were infected. Now we can only hope that the worst does not happen, in the face of such irresponsible health. Directory of worrying variants circulating in the countryAdded Jesem Orellana.

Mato Grosso also claimed the cases were in asymptomatic people, so they followed and monitored isolation protocols.

the Adolgo Lutz Institute He also informed the Ministry of Health of the results.

Last Tuesday, 168 cases of coronavirus linked to the Copa America had been identified in Brazil.


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