Complaints because Pfizer’s vaccine would make breasts bigger


A large amount of women complained in Norway of an unusual side effect after receiving the Pfizer vaccine: they claim that their breasts have increased in size.

The topic started to generate more interest after a 17-year-old girl posted her story on TikTok. Emma revealed on social media that her breasts grew noticeably 15 days after being vaccinated, which she initially took with concern. After feeling a strange sensation and after waiting for other effects to appear, she admitted, “It was a fit for me. I had to buy a bigger bra.”

After getting vaccinated and recounting what had happened to him, all kinds of comments came out. He thought his case was an exception, but realized it wasn’t. Also on TikTok, Elle Marshall reported in an article that her breasts grew “almost two sizes” after being immunized with the same Pfizer vaccine.

According to experts, such effects may have a completely natural cause. Dr Heinrich Bachmann argued that any breast growth is only noticeable and is caused by temporary swelling of the lymph nodes, a reaction that lasts for a few weeks. “10% of women who get the vaccine will have swollen armpit lymph nodes,” said Dr Steinar Madsen. And he explained that this inflammation “causes the breasts to propel forward a bit and thus the feeling that they are bigger” remains.

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