The deployment of Cuban activists who act as a para-police force to intimidate opposition protesters


After the massive protests in Cuba, the Castro regime maintains the deployment of security forces and also of its supporters who intimidate opponents in the streets of Havana and the suburbs of the capital.

Riot Police Squad
Riot Police Squad

Public spaces continued heavily guarded as mobile internet service continues to be cut, making it difficult to communicate and coordinate new events.

Young people who support the Castro regime trained with sticks in front of the security forces in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana
Young people who support the Castro regime trained with sticks in front of the security forces in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana

Many main arteries in the capital woke up on Monday under heavy police surveillance. In addition, special brigades were installed from Sunday evening.

Rows "revolutionary" they walked through residential areas with sticks
The “revolutionary” ranks marched through the residential areas with sticks

The data blackout makes it difficult to know for sure what is going on all over the island, but no new demonstrations of opposition were recorded in the middle of the security deployment.

Branches, sticks and anything that serves to intimidate opponents
Branches, sticks and anything that serves to intimidate opponents

They come from the outskirts of Havana where riot troops and “revolutionaries” with sticks in hand have taken to the streets and are preventing people from leaving.“, Detailed the journalist Abraham Jiménez Enoa.

And is the order had already been given by Miguel Díaz-Canel on national television on Sunday, where he harangued his supporters in response to the peaceful demonstrations: “The order to fight is given, to the street the revolutionaries”.

On Sunday, supporters of the ruling party who came to counter the marches broke a cameraman’s equipment and the police hitting the photographer Ramón Espinosa, injuring his nose and one of his eyes. He is currently hospitalized without his life being in danger.

Without new manifestations, relatives of detainees approached police stations to inquire about the fate of their husbands, children and relatives who had been arrested or disappeared during Sunday events.

From a list posted Monday evening on Twitter by the San Isidro Movement (MSI), a group of intellectuals and university students who demand freedom of expression and creation, 114 people they have been detained or have not been located.

Monday, Díaz Canel had supported the repression of the regime, since he maintained that the opponents “had the answer they deserved”.

Then he added: “They have already understood that in Cuba, we repress, we murder. Where are the Cuban murders?” Where is the Cuban repression? Where are the missing in Cuba?

(Photo / s: Yamil Lage / AFP)

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Leopoldo López asserted that “it is time to resume the protests in Venezuela, as is happening in Cuba”.
Raúl Castro reappeared at Communist Party meeting after historic protests

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