Video: A man stood with his 3-year-old son in front of the 13th floor window of a building and threatened to throw him out if his wife did not return


The dramatic scenes of the man hanging from his window with the baby in his arms lasted more than two hours.

Russian man starred in dramatic scene leaving the window of his house and standing with his son in his arms at the edge of the building threatening to throw him to the ground if his wife did not speak to him.

The incident, reported by Russian media, occurred on Tuesday in the city of Irkutsk, located in southeast Siberia.

The man, identified as Anton Litvinov, 35, spent more than two hours balancing on a small area outside the window of his 13th-floor apartment. The whole time she had the baby in her arms.

The man demanded to see his wife, with whom he was apparently in the midst of divorce proceedings and with whom he allegedly argued the day before he allegedly assaulted her.

The case was reported to the police by Litvinov’s neighbor, a 16-year-old girl who noticed that the man was hanged almost empty with the 3-year-old boy in one of her arms and who tried to persuade him with his mother Lyudmila Litvinova to put the little boy in a safe place.

According to authorities, police officers who went to the emergency room attempted to negotiate with the subject to return inside the apartment, but he continued to stand by the window frame while his young son cried and stood. clung to the man’s neck showing obvious signs of fear of height.

Police efforts to locate the wife eventually paid off and After nearly two hours of anguish, the woman arrived at the scene and managed to persuade her partner to enter the apartment and not harm the baby.

In the negotiations, which took place from the balcony of a semi-detached apartment, a psychologist from the Ministry of Emergencies and the inspector of minors also participated.

Fortunately the episode ended without injuries, but the man was arrested by the authorities when he entered his home.

Anton Litvinov is in the custody of the authorities, who released a video of his first interrogation in which he confesses that his intentions were to be able to speak with his wife after the violent altercation they had the day before.

According to Russian media, the authorities are preparing criminal proceedings against the subject for “Preparation for the murder of a small child.”

A child under three years of age is safe and sound in the care of his mother.


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