They estimate that more than 5,000 people are detained after massive protests against the regime in Cuba


Yoani Sánchez says there are more than 5,000 detainees in Cuba

I tell you that the repression continues, it is estimated at more than 5,000 detainees, although there may be many more too.. The ruling party recognized a deceased last Monday. It is almost certain that the number will increase “, expressed Yoani Sánchez on his show”Window 14”. The communicator gave an overview of the current situation that the island is going through after days turned upside down by massive street protests.

Little information has come out of the island due to the internet failure. Repression continues, as do arrests and militarized streets. Internet service is gradually coming back after the total blackout, ”he said.

Police arrest a man during a demonstration on a street in Havana (EFE / Ernesto Mastrascusa)
Police arrest a man during a demonstration on a street in Havana (EFE / Ernesto Mastrascusa)

He expressed that the streets are militarized in several provinces and “in Havana it shows a lotAs she, along with other colleagues, checked it out on a tour she made this morning in the city.

There is a tense calm, people are very scared, the more populated main streets are full of soldiers, police, and in their hands they carry bats and even baseball bats.“He continued.

Then he said that this repressive panorama did not stop the protests from continuing and he mentioned that this Tuesday there were also marches.

Police arrest an anti-government protester during a protest in Havana, Cuba on Sunday July 11, 2021 (AP Photo / Ramón Espinosa)
Police arrest an anti-government protester during a protest in Havana, Cuba on Sunday July 11, 2021 (AP Photo / Ramón Espinosa)

Total misinformation without the Internet

Disinformation in Cuba today is not limited to the whereabouts of those arrested – a small group of whom have been released in the past 24 hours, sources close to them say – but everything related to the explosion social on the island, since authorities cut off mobile internet service and hardly anyone in Cuba can afford Wi-Fi.

Internet blackout causes the shutdown of part of the country’s activities, which has been posted online due to the pandemic.

We can’t work offline these days, let’s see what happens», He told EFE professor at a university in Havana where classes and other activities have been virtual for months.

First killed in protests

Authorities confirmed the first death in the protests on Tuesday, a 36-year-old citizen who died Monday in a clash with agents of the People’s Council of Güinera from the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, a marginal neighborhood in southern Havana where residents took to the streets shouting “freedom” .

In addition to the deceased, several people were arrested and others were injured, among them agents of the authority, during the demonstration in Güinera.


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