Demonstrations in Cuba: the United States regretted that “the violent repression of the regime and its reprisals against the Cubans” prevented more mobilizations


US President Joe Biden (Photo: REUTERS)
US President Joe Biden (Photo: REUTERS)

The White House assured this Wednesday that it continues “verification“Its policy towards Cuba and that any modification will seek “Encourage behavior change” of the Cuban regime, in addition to taking into account the unprecedented demonstrations of Sunday on the island.

We continue to review our policy towards Cuba, examining its impact on the political and economic well-being of the Cuban people.“said the White House spokeswoman, Jen psaki, during his daily press conference.

He added that “there is no doubt that the protests over the weekend and what has transpired in recent days have been significant events (…) “throw,”this will obviously have an impact“In the US decision on ‘how to proceed’, he added.

Almost six months after taking office, the government of United States President Joe Biden has so far failed to deliver on its campaign pledge to “return ”to the thaw process with Cuba initiated by former President Barack Obama (2009-2017), of which he was vice-president.

Psaki recalled that the changes promoted by former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) to reverse the thaw were “important“, And that the White House continue to study which policy is the one that best supports the promotion of”the democracy and the human rights” on the island.

A man remains on the ground before being arrested during anti-government protests (Photo: EFE)
A man remains on the ground before being arrested during anti-government protests (Photo: EFE)

“We want to do this through the prism of what will directly help the Cuban people and what will help encourage a change in behavior (of the Cuban government), if that is possible.”, assured the spokesperson.

In April, Psaki said changing policy toward Cuba was not a priority for Biden, and in June, the United States showed it had no particular interest in repealing Trump’s measures, by voting against the annual UN resolution condemning the US embargo on the island, instead of abstaining, as Obama’s executive did.

Regarding the current situation on the island, the spokesperson again asked “The early release of peaceful protesters who have been unjustly detained.”

The protests in Cuba have almost completely ceased due to the regime’s violent repression and retaliation against Cubans who have exercised their basic and universal rights. This is unacceptable, ”Psaki stressed.

Thousands of Cubans took to the streets on Sunday to protest the government, shouting “Freedom! “in an unprecedented day that ended with dozens of arrests and clashes after Díaz-Canel ordered his supporters to come out to confront the protesters.

The strongest protests that have taken place in Cuba since the so-called “maleconazo“August 1994 came with the country plunged into a serious economic and health crisis, with the pandemic spiraling out of control and a severe shortage of food, medicine and other basic commodities, in addition to long power outages. current.

(With information from EFE)

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