After his hospitalization in Rome, Pope Francis sent a letter to Alberto Fernández


In January 2020, Pope Francis received Alberto Fernández at the Vatican a few days after taking office
In January 2020, Pope Francis received Alberto Fernández at the Vatican a few days after taking office

President Alberto Fernandez received this Thursday a letter from dad Francisco, in which thank you for the message you sent to the Pontiff at the time on the occasion of having undergone an operation 10 days ago through diverticula in the colon. The intervention was carried out in a polyclinic in Rome, of which was released yesterday, so it is already in full recovery.

In the letter, which reached the Head of State through the Apostolic Nunciature of Buenos Aires, the Pope told him: “I received the attentive message of speedy recovery which, on the occasion of my hospitalization in the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic, had the courtesy to send me, I thank you for this gesture and your kindness ”.

In addition, the Sovereign Pontiff noted: “I raise my prayers to the Lord Jesus so that, also in these difficult times due to the pandemic, he may grant the beloved Argentine people an abundance of blessings, so that they may advance on the paths of justice, of brotherhood and progress “.

The letter the Pope sent to the President
The letter the Pope sent to the President

Pope Francis left the Gemelli hospital in Rome on Wednesday after the colon surgery he underwent on July 4. The 84-year-old Argentine pontiff underwent surgery to remove part of the colon, as part of a scheduled procedure that was performed under general anesthesia.

The pontiff “he is in good condition, awake and breathing on his own. The diverticular stenosis surgery performed on the night of July 4 (…) lasted about 3 hours. Hospitalization of around 7 days is to be expected, except for complications», Had informed the spokesman of the Vatican, Matteo Bruni, in his first medical bulletin after the operation.

Finally, Francisco left yesterday in a car with tinted windows, from what photographers rushing to the doors of the hospital were able to verify. “I thank all those who have been close to me with their prayers and affection during the days of hospitalization. Let us not forget to pray for the sick and for those who care for them “wrote the Sovereign Pontiff on his official Twitter account.

During his eleven days of hospitalization, the Pope followed international news, sent messages of condolence after the assassination of the President of Haiti and defended the right to free health care for all. He also celebrated the Sunday Angelus from the balcony of the hospital, visited cancer patients on the 10th floor, where his room was, and celebrated several masses in a chapel with the doctors and staff who treat him. .

Pope Francis speaks with a patient at Gemelli Hospital (Vatican media / delivery via Reuters)
Pope Francis speaks with a patient at Gemelli Hospital (Vatican media / delivery via Reuters)

He also spoke in the last few hours with people close to the Argentina and Italy teams, winners of the Copa América and the Eurocup respectively, and underlined the importance of sport and its values, as well as “Athletic ability to accept any result, even defeat”. “It is only in this way, in the face of life’s difficulties, that we can always get involved, fight without giving up, with hope and confidence,” he said.

Francois you must rest all the month of July inside the Vatican, since it does not have general audiences scheduled for Wednesdays or formal meetings. According to the agenda, he will celebrate the Angelus on Sunday from the Apostolic Palace in St. Peter’s Square.


Photos of Pope Francis with patients and healthcare staff at the hospital where he is recovering from his operation
What Pope Francis said about Argentina and Italy’s football titles

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