Haitian police arrested President Moise’s security chief after he failed to testify


Dimitri Hérard, head of security for President Jovenel Moïse is today one of the suspects of having participated in the assassination of the president
Dimitri Hérard, head of security for President Jovenel Moïse is today one of the suspects of having participated in the assassination of the president

Haitian police arrested President Jovenel Moise’s security chief, murdered last week at his home, after failing to appear at his summons to testify and, therefore, was considered to be fugitive.

Dimitri Hérard and Jean Laguel Civil, the president’s security coordinator, were summoned by the prosecution to testify on Tuesday and Wednesday, said the local newspaper The Nouvelliste.

In Hérard’s case, he blamed his absence on “strict conservative measures” by the police, which would not have allowed him to attend the summons. After being questioned by the prosecutor of Port-au-Prince, Bedford Claude, after the murder of Moise, he was ordered to remain in solitary confinement.

Dimitri Hérard, the man in charge of Haitian President Jovenel Moise's security.
Dimitri Hérard, the man in charge of Haitian President Jovenel Moise’s security.

On the other hand, also the The police have denied the rumors that have circulated about the alleged involvement of Prime Minister Claude Joseph in the assassination.

In this regard, in a statement issued by the Spanish Embassy in Haiti, Police said that “contrary to the allegations of Colombian media Caracol” the “information gathered in the course of the investigation does not reveal any link with the interim Prime Minister, Claude Joseph ”.

In this direction, “The suspects have not made any disclosure in this regard,” he therefore warned “against any diversionary tactics and reiterates his determination to continue the ongoing investigation to its conclusion.”

Léon Charles, Haitian police chief, at a press conference in Port-au-Prince (Photo: REUTERS)
Léon Charles, Haitian police chief, at a press conference in Port-au-Prince (Photo: REUTERS)

Finally, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs met this Thursday diplomats from Haiti to request authorization to allow a Colombian delegation to travel To check the state of health of 19 Colombian detainees, Caracol rightly pointed out.

According to statements made Wednesday evening by the Director General of Police, Léon Charles, the evidence indicates that the assassination of the president by an armed commando on July 7 was planned from the neighboring Dominican Republic.

However, the apparent ease with which the attackers succeeded in assassinating the 53-year-old Haitian head of state in the middle of the night, while his bodyguards were unharmed, also continues to arouse suspicion internally. Moise was hit by a dozen bullets, with an apparent passivity – or lack of reaction – on the part of the agents responsible for ensuring his safety.

A man lays flowers outside the presidential palace in honor of the assassinated President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise (Photo: Reuters)
A man lays flowers outside the presidential palace in honor of the assassinated President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise (Photo: Reuters)

The investigation also appeared to advance in the international case, which involves several countries, including the United States and Colombia.

Haitian police said there was arrested around 21 people, including 18 Colombians and 3 Haitians (two of them also have American nationality). Three other Colombians died.

Meanwhile, the president’s widow, Martine moise tweeted two photos of herself in her hospital bed. “Thank you to the team of guardian angels who helped me in this terrible moment“He wrote in English.

“Thanks to your precautions, your kindness and your care, I was able to endure”, she added, as seen with her right arm completely bandaged and her tired face.

(With information from EuropaPress and AFP)

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